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vol. 16
Case report

Angiosarcoma of the large intestine – a case report

Zbigniew Kamocki
Robert Wilamowski
Joanna Reszeć
Konrad Zaręba
Boguslaw Kędra

Wspolczesna Onkol 2012; 16 (6): 590–592
Online publish date: 2013/01/04
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Angiosarcomas are poorly differentiated neoplasms composed of stands of endothelial cells and have a very narrow lumen filled with blood cells. They usually develop during childhood within superficial or deep soft tissues. Angiosarcomas frequently originate from the vascular wall, usually from medium and large sized veins. They are malignant but rarely result in recurrences or metastases to lungs and lymph nodes. Severe atypia is associated with a more aggressive course [1]. Angiosarcomas are commonly detected during the initial six months of life, since they usually involve the soft tissues of head and skin. They are the most frequently found benign neoplasms of the liver in children [2]. In adults angiosarcomas are very rare findings, being mostly described in the liver, lungs, brain and bones. Angiosarcomas of the large intestine are extremely rare in adults.

Case report

A 68-year-old patient was admitted due to loose bowel movements with traces of blood observed for a period of two weeks. The symptoms were initially recorded by the patient 6 months prior to admission and took the form of blood in the stool. The patient’s body weight did not change over this period of time. Sigmoidoscopy revealed an elevated ulcerative lesion 20 mm in diameter, located 12 cm from the anal verge along with two small polyps (4 mm and 8 mm) situated 25 cm from the anal verge. Histopathology of the ulceration showed a tubular adenoma with chronic mucosa inflammation. Above the splenic flexure of the transverse colon, the colonic mucosa was pink and glossy with a mesh of dilated vessels suggestive of chronic inflammation. Remaining segments of the large intestine were normal on sigmoidoscopic examination.

In spite of the benign pathologic result the patient was qualified for en bloc surgical resection on these aforementioned findings. A hard, exophytic tumor (5 cm × 5 cm) was found intra-operatively on the mesorectal side of the rectum. It was gray with cherry foci of blood extravasations. The patient underwent resection of the upper rectum and sigmoid colon (with formation of end-to-end anastomosis with mechanical stitches) with regional lymphadenectomy. No complications were noted in the postoperative period and the patient was discharged eight days after surgery.

Histopathology of the tumor revealed a G3 malignant angiosarcoma with chronic inflammation of the colonic mucosa (Fig. 1–6). The surgical resection margin was negative and no metastases were found in regional lymph nodes.


Colorectal angiosarcoma is a very rare finding. Only a few well-documented cases of angiosarcoma in this location have been reported in the literature [3–13]. The rare occurrence and high aggressiveness of this tumor preclude designing an optimal therapeutic approach. Surgical treatment seems to be the only effective treatment modality in cases of this malignancy with a colorectal localization. The reported cases of angiosarcoma have documented early spread of this malignancy after surgical treatment and a short overall survival. Among these cases was a 77-year-old patient reporting a history of constipation and bleeding from the lower alimentary tract, who was operated on for colorectal angiosarcoma. Numerous liver metastases were detected following the resection of the primary tumor and the patient died six months after surgery [3]. Another reported case involved a 72-year-old patient with pulmonary metastases and colorectal angiosarcoma as the underlying primary malignancy. Initially, this patient was subjected to partial sigmoid resection. He was re-operated on several months later due to massive rectal bleeding, and intraperitoneal spread was detected. Left-side hemicolectomy was performed along with partial stomach resection and total omentectomy. The patient died a few days after the procedure due to intraperitoneal hemorrhage [4]. Additionally, the case of a 60-year-old female patient was presented, who was also operated on due to colorectal angiosarcoma. This patient died four months after surgery due to distant metastases [5]. Little is known on the long-term outcomes of adjuvant treatment (radiotherapy and chemotherapy) following the surgical resection of angiosarcomas. Komorowski presented a case involving a 19-year-old patient, who was diagnosed with this malignancy. The patient was operated on and received four subsequent courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. At follow-up after 18 months, the patient was still alive with no signs of recurrence [6]. Up to now, the longest postoperative survival in a colorectal angiosarcoma patient was reported by Smith et al., where a 16-year-old female patient survived 36 months after surgery [7]. However, in most of the above-described cases, patients diagnosed with colorectal malignancies died within one year after resection due to neoplastic spread or postsurgical complications. In contrast, our patient survived four years after angiosarcoma resection and died due to myocardial infarction. Therefore, this is the first reported case of such long-term survival (48 months) after resection of colorectal angiosarcoma. Neither positive lymph nodes nor distant metastases were found intraoperatively in this patient. Also no post-operative complications were noted. In conclusion, the surgical approach implemented in our patient proved efficient, and seems the only effective modality in cases of angiosarcoma of such unusual locations as the large intestine. Further research is needed in order to verify the role of adjuvant treatment after surgical resection.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


 1. Weiss SW, Enzinger FM. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: a vascular tumor often mistaken for a carcinoma. Cancer 1992; 50: 970-81.

 2. Alvarez Sánchez JA, Fernández Lobato R, Coba Ceballos J, Fradejas López JM, Marín Lucas J, Moreno Azcoita M. Epitheloid hemangioendothelioma localized in the small intestine. Gastroenterol Hepatol 1995; 18: 464-7.

 3. Brown CJ, Falck VG, MacLean A. Angiosarcoma of the colon and rectum: report of a case and review of the literature. Dis Colon Rectum 2004; 47: 2202-7.

 4. Saito R, Bedetti CD, Caines MJ, Kramer K. Malignant epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of the colon. Report of a case. Dis Colon Rectum 1985; 30: 707-11.

 5. El Chaar M, McQuay N Jr. Sigmoid colon angiosarcoma with intraperitoneal bleeding and early metastasis. J Surg Educ 2007; 64: 54-6.

 6. Komorowski AL, Darasz Z, Kołodziejski LS, Gruchała A. Primary angiosarcoma of the colon. Acta Chir Belg 2004; 104: 465-7.

 7. Smith JA, Bhathal PS, Cuthbertson AM. Angiosarcoma of the colon. Report of a case with long-term survival. Dis Colon Rectum 1990; 33: 330-3.

 8. El Chaar M, McQuay N Jr. Sigmoid colon angiosarcoma with intraperitoneal bleeding and early metastasis. J Surg Educ 2007; 64: 54-6.

 9. Mark RJ, Poen JC, Tran LM, Fu YS, Juillard GF. Angiosarcoma. A report of 67 patients and a review of the literature. Cancer 1996 77: 2400-6.

10. Steiner CA, Palmer LH. Angiosarcoma of the colon with case report. Ann Surg 1949; 129: 538-42.

11. Taxy JB, Battifora H. Angiosarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract. A report of three cases. Cancer 1988 62: 210-6.

12. Akazka S, Soga H. Case of angiosarcoma of the ascending colon detected patient with intussusception.” Journal of Japan Surgical Assoc 1998; 59: 3066-9.

13. Joo YT, Jeong CY, Jung EJ, Lee YJ, Hong SC, Choi SK, Park ST, Ha WS. Intra-abdominal angiosarcoma developing in a capsule of a foreign body: report of a case with associated hemorrhagic diathesis. World J Surg Oncol 2005; 3: 60.

Address for correspondence

Zbigniew Kamocki

Department of Medical Pathomorphology

Medical University of Bialystok

ul. Waszyngtona 13

15-269 Białystok

e-mail: zkamocki@yahoo.com

Submitted: 29.02.2012

Accepted: 19.03.2012
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