15.10.2020 - 17.10.2020

© 2025 Termedia


Local Organizing Committee
Lidia Rudnicka

Grazyna Kaminska-Winciorek
Secretary General
Executive Commitee IDS
Iris Zalaudek

Aimilios Lallas
General Secretary

Giuseppe Argenziano
Past President and DPC Editor

H. Peter Soyer
Past President

Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof

Harald Kittler
Representative of Europe 1

Susana Puig
Representative of Europe 2 and Auditor 1

Ashfaq Marghoob
Representative of North America

Gabriel Salerni
Representative of South America

Jie Liu
Representative of Asia

Ahmed Sadek
Representative of Africa

Cliff Rosendahl
Representative of Australia
Horacio Cabo
WCD 2021 President

Clara Curiel-Lewandrowski
Studies Committee 1 and PLS Liaison

Philipp Tschandl
Studies Committee 2

John Paoli
Website Coordinator

Raimonds Karls
Social media accounts Coordinator

Ralph Braun
Dermoscopedia Coordinator and Auditor 2

Caterina Longo
Educational activities Coordinator

Giovanni Pellacani
International Societies Liaison

Allan Halpern
ISIC Liaison

Josep Malvehy
EADO Liaison

Ana Maria Forsea
European Societies Liaison

Gerald Gabler
Akay Bengu Nisa
Ankad Balachandra
Apalla Zoe
Argenziano Giuseppe
Bakos Renato
Bañuls José
Blum Andreas
Bowling Jonathan
Braun Ralph
Buljan Marija
Cabo Horacio
Carlos Ortega Blanca
Carrera Cristina
Claveau Joel
Deinlein Teresa
Errichetti Enzo
Esdaile Ben
Ferris Laura
Fida Monika
Fishburn Paul
Forsea Ana Maria
Gamo Villegas Reyes
Gourhant Jean Yves
Haenssle Holger
Halpern Allan
Hayes Stephen
Hofmann-Wellenhof Rainer
Jaimes Natalia
Jha Abhijeet
Julian Yamina
Kaminska-Winciorek Grazyna
Kandolf Sekulovic Lidija
Karaarslan Isil Kilinc
Katoulis Alexander
Keir Jeff
Kittler Harald
Krasteva Adelina
Kukutsch Nicole
Lallas Aimilios
Laureano Oliveira André
Lazaridou Elizabeth
Leocadia Fernandes Elizabeth
Li Hang
Liu Jie
Longo Caterina
Lytvynenko Bohdan
Magdi Mohammad Maiada
Malvehy Josep
Marghoob Ashfaq
Mariño María Liliana
Menezes Nuno
Menzies Scott
Mernissi Fatima Zahra
Moloney Fergal
Moneib Hoda
Moscarella Elvira
Mun Je-Ho
Nathansohn Nir
Navarrete Dechent Cristián
Nielsen Kari
Oakley Amanda
Oliviero Margaret
Özdemir Fezal Pampena Riccardo
Paoli John
Paschoal Francisco
Pasquali Paola
Pellacani Giovanni
Peralta Maria Rosario
Popescu Catalin
Puig Susana
Pyne John
Rabinovitz Harold
Rishpon Ayelet
Rosendahl Cliff
Rudnicka Lidia
Russu Lucian
Sadek Ahmed
Sahin Mustafa Turhan
Salerni Gabriel
Scharf Camila
Scope Alon
Shulaia Teona
Sonthalia Sidharth
Soyer Peter
Starace Michela
Stolz Wilhelm
Swanson David
Tanaka Masaru
Thomas Luc
Tiodorovic Danica
Togawa Yaei
Tschandl Philipp
Usatine Richard
Vossaert Katrien
Zaballos Pedro
Zafirovik Zorica
Zalaudek Iris
Zsuzsanna Lengyel
Executive organizer
Termedia Publishing House


Dermalite La Roche Posay La Roche Posay








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1/ How to register – individuals
To register, you need to have a user account at Termedia.pl. If you do not have an account, the account will be created during registration. If you already have an account, sign in and click REJESTRACJA / REGISTRATION. The data will be completed automatically but you can still correct them. Check if the email address and telephone number are correct. We will send you reminders of the live stream using email and telephone.

2/ How can I obtain an invoice for the payment ?
Please give your full data for invoicing purposes in the registration form. After your payment is posted, you will be sent the invoice to your email address.

3/ Are any certificates of participation in the e-conference issued ?
Yes. Certificates will be sent by email after the conference.

4/ How can I attend the event ?
Please visit www.termedia.pl, and in the Events tab, select the event and sign in to your account.

5/ Will the conference materials be available also after the e-conference ?
Yes, but only to participants who have the premium package. The content will be available for 30 days after the conference. All you need is to sign in to your account at https://www.termedia.pl/Twoje-produkty

6/ Can I ask a question during a lecture ?
Yes, during each lecture anyone can ask a question. Answers will be given during Q&A session.

7/ Technical information
  • If the webinar did not start on time, try to refresh the web browser.
  • If you see the picture but cannot hear anything, click on the player. Some browsers do not allow you to automatically turn on the picture and sound. If you still have a problem with the sound, make sure that the speakers on your computer are turned on.
  • If the stream is fading out / interrupted or the picture quality is poor, first check your Internet speed. You can do this using e.g. speedtest.pl. For the webinar to be played correctly, you should have the speed of at least 2Mbps. By clicking on the gear wheel icon visible on the player, you can control the picture quality yourself.
  • The player should work on every browser currently in use, but we recommend using Chrome or Firefox.
If following our instructions you were not able to resolve the problem or any other difficulties occurred, contact us at pomoc@termedia.pl.

If you have any problems with signing in or registration, please contact us:
  • by telephone Monday-Friday in 8.00-19.00, on 506 802 006 or 500 068 362
  • by email at szkolenia@termedia.pl
Please remember that everyone who has the premium package can watch the video in VOD archives.


Executive organizer & office:
Termedia Publishing House
ul. Kleeberga 2
61-615 Poznań, Poland


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