eISSN: 2083-8441
ISSN: 2081-237X
Pediatric Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism
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vol. 20
Original paper

Ocena wybranych parametrów antropometrycznych u dzieci urodzonych z ciąż powikłanych cukrzycą ciążową – doniesienie wstępne

Małgorzata Wilk
Anita Horodnicka-Józwa
Piotr Molęda
Elżbieta Petriczko
Przemysław Ciechanowski
Krzysztof Safranow
Mieczysław Walczak

Pediatr Endocrino Diabetes Metab 2014;20,2:40-46
Online publish date: 2015/07/31
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Introduction. Current studies show uncreased risk of obesity cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in children exposed to gestational diabetes in utero. Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the selected anthropometric parameters in children exposed to gestational diabetes in utero. Material and methods. 43 children, 7–15 years of age, exposed to gestational diabetes in utero were included in the study. Data including mother’s pregestational anthropometric parameters, the course of pregnancy and anthropometric parameters of a newborn were obtained from the interview and medical records. Pediatric physical examination with Tanner assessment of pubertal development was conducted. In children and mothers the height and body mass were measured, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. In participants of the study waist and hip circumferences were measured. Results. Higher birth weight (p=0.02), head and chest circumferences (p=0,02 and p=0.03) were observed in newborns of mothers with pregestational overweight and obesity. The analysis of newborns growth parameters and type of gestational diabetes did not show a significant difference. Obesity (BMI z 95th percentile) was diagnosed in 9 children (20.9 %) and overweight (BMI between 85th and 94th percentile) in 6 participants (13.9%). Higher body mass (p=0.02), BMI (p=0.02) and waist circumference (p-0.03) were observed in children who reached III–V Tanner stage, comparing to participants in Tanner Ml. Higher body mass, BMI, waist and hip circumferences were observed in the offspring of mothers with pregestational overweight and obesity. Mothers of children with BMI > 90th percentile currently show higher body mass and BMI in comparison to mothers of slimmer participants. Conclusions. Excessive body weight before pregnancy in mothers with gestational diabetes can influence not only the anthropometric parameters of newborns and lead to fetal macrosomy, but also can be a predisposing factor for overweight and obesity in later childhood.

gestational diabetes, pediatric obesity

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