eISSN: 2083-8441
ISSN: 2081-237X
Pediatric Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism
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vol. 23
Original paper

Coexisting psoriasis affects the clinical course of type 1 diabetes in children

Arkadiusz Michalak
Marta Koptas
Aleksandra Świercz
Krystyna Wyka
Anna Hogendorf
Agnieszka Szadkowska
Wojciech Młynarski
Wojciech Fendler

Pediatr Endocrinol Diabetes Metab 2017;23,3:139-145
Online publish date: 2017/12/14
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Introduction. Literature reports link psoriasis with insulin resistance characteristic for type 2 diabetes. However, this condition may also affect the clinical course of type 1 diabetes (T1D). Aim. To investigate whether children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) and psoriasis have a different course of diabetes. Methods. We evaluated patients diagnosed with T1D in the years 2002-2011 for the presence of psoriasis and matched them 1:10 with T1D-only patients by sex and duration of diabetes using propensity score. We collected T1D-onset parameters and metabolic control surrogates from six months after T1D diagnosis. Results. We identified 14 patients with psoriasis and matched 140 controls, of whom 129 (68 boys) were eligible for the analysis. At onset T1D+psoriasis patients showed higher concentration of C-peptide than controls (median: 0.38ng/ml vs 0.15ng/ml, p=0.02). Six months later, they had non-significantly lower HbA1c (6.0 vs 6.6%, p=0.11), TC (143mg/dl vs 159mg/dl, p=0.14) HDL (54.5mg/dl vs 59mg/dl, p=0.11). Conclusions. Patients with T1D and psoriasis present higher endogenous insulin secretion at T1D onset and a tendency for better glycemic control during the first 6 months.

type 1 diabetes, children, psoriasis, c-peptide

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