eISSN: 1731-2515
ISSN: 0209-1712
Anestezjologia Intensywna Terapia
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vol. 53
Letter to the Editor

A response to comment on prognostic factors in burns

Michał Zieliński
Piotr Wróblewski
Jerzy Kozielski

  1. Department of Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  2. Burn Treatment Centre in Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland
Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther 2020; 52, 5: 91–92
Online publish date: 2021/04/02
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Dear Editor,
We would like to thank Dr Ewington et al. for the commentary on our review about prognostic factors in burns. First we would like to comment on the role of frailty in assessment of burns. The elderly population is of special interest in all fields of clinical medicine, owing to the ageing of the world population [1]. The definition of frailty is relatively concise. It is defined as a state of depletion of the homeostatic reserve due to changes accumulated during lifetime. In consequence, resolution of stressor sequelae is impaired [2]. Although the definition is straightforward, the methods of its application and quantification of frailty are not unequivocally accepted [3]. Ward and Romanowski in their papers used the Clinical Frailty Scale [4]. Other developed scales, to mention only a few, are the general Korean Frailty Index for Primary Care [5], the Modified Frailty Index 5 (mFI-5) [6], the more specialized Emergency General Surgery Frailty Index [7], and the Burn Frailty Index [8]. Some of them were evaluated in surgery patients, and the Burn Frailty Index was developed by Maxwell specifically to be used in burn patients [8]. A study comparing the usefulness of various frailty scales in a burn ward would be a welcome addition to the discussion about burn outcomes.
We would also like to address one more aspect of frailty. Generally, the term is connected with the elderly population, i.e. more than 65 years old. This is based on the fact that one’s frailty is a sum of deficits accumulated over the whole lifetime [9]. Yet even in younger age groups various tools used to assess frailty show a relatively high percentage of frail people [10, 11]. Research including patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery has proven that frailty assessment is a viable choice to predict complications even in younger groups [12]. Therefore we assume that frailty indexes will gradually become tools used also in younger groups of patients.
The comment on the mentioned Ward et al. article is available [13]. The authors elaborate more on the wound healing process, which can be altered at various stages owing to many factors. Therefore biological skin age should also be considered in quantifying the outcome, in the same way as frailty (“lack of fitness”) is a more sophisticated way of expressing chronological age and loss of function. Although the idea could be of great merit in the clinical setting, to date there are no widely accepted and used biomarkers to help day-to-day wound assessment [14, 15].
We are grateful for the suggestion of adding the Denver MOF score and Sepsis-3 score to the article. As the excellent comment by Dr Ewington et al. elucidated all clinical aspects, we do not want to add anything. In conclusion, we believe the addition of frailty scores, the Denver MOF score and the Sepsis-3 score to the discussion allows for a more complete view on the matter.

1. Financial support and sponsorship: none.
2. Conflict of interest: none.
1. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Ageing 2019. New York 2020.
2. Clegg A, Young J, Iliffe S, Rikkert MO, Rockwood K.Frailty in elderly people. Lancet 2013; 381: 752-762. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)62167-9.
3. Conroy S. Defining frailty – the holy grail of geriatric medicine. J Nutr Health Aging 2009; 13: 389-389. doi: 10.1007/s12603-009-0050-9.
4. Rockwood K, Song X, MacKnight C, et al. A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people. CMAJ 2005; 173: 489-495. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.050051.
5. Won CW, Lee Y, Lee S, Kim M. Development of Korean Frailty Index for Primary Care (KFI-PC) and its criterion validity. Ann Geriatr Med Res 2020; 24: 125-138. doi: 10.4235/agmr.20.0021.
6. Subramaniam S, Aalberg JJ, Soriano RP, Divino CM. New 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index using American College of Surgeons NSQIP data. J Am Coll Surg 2018; 226: 173-181.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2017.11.005.
7. Orouji Jokar T, Ibraheem K, Rhee P, et al. Emergency general surgery specific frailty index: a validation study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2016; 81: 254-260. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001120.
8. Maxwell D, Rhee P, Drake M, Hodge J, Ingram W, Williams R. Development of the Burn Frailty Index: a prognostication index for elderly patients sustaining burn injuries. Am J Surg 2019; 218: 87-94. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2018.11.012.
9. Rockwood K, Mitnitski A. Frailty in relation to the accumulation of deficits. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2007; 62: 722-727. doi: 10.1093/gerona/ 62.7.722.
10. Gobbens RJJ, van Assen M, Luijkx KG, Wijnen-Sponselee MT, Schols JMGA. Young frail elderly: assessed using the Tilburg Frailty Indicator. Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr 2012; 43: 296-307. doi: 10.1007/s12439-012-0043-8.
11. Smitherman AB, Anderson Ch, Lund JL, et al. Frailty and comorbidities among survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer: a cross-sectional examination of a hospital-based survivorship cohort. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2018; 7: 374-383. doi: 10.1089/jayao.2017.0103.
12. Rege RM, Runner RP, Staley CA, Vu CCL, Arora SS, Schenker ML. Frailty predicts mortality and complications in chronologically young patients with traumatic orthopaedic injuries. Injury 2018; 49: 2234-2238. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2018.08.017.
13. Hofmann E, Nischwitz SP, Popp D, Kotzbeck P, Kamolz LP. Frailty and more: age-related outcome factors in burns. Burns 2019; 45: 745-746. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2018.11.021.
14. Kanaki T, Makrantonaki E, Zouboulis CC. Biomarkers of skin aging. Rev Endocr Metab Disord 2016; 17: 433-442. doi: 10.1007/s11154-016-9392-x.
15. Wang AS, Dreesen O. Biomarkers of cellular senescence and skin aging. Front Genet 2018; 9: 247. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00247.
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