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Biology of Sport
eISSN: 2083-1862
ISSN: 0860-021X
Biology of Sport
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vol. 41
Original paper

Ages at peak height velocity in male soccer players 11–16 years: relationships with skeletal age and comparisons among longitudinal studies

Robert M. Malina
1, 2
Miroslav Králík
Sławomir M. Kozieł
Sean P. Cumming
Jan M. Konarski
Paulo Sousa-e-Silva
7, 8
Diogo V. Martinho
7, 8
Antonio J. Figueiredo
7, 8
Manuel J. Coelho-e-Silva
7, 8

  1. University of Texas at Austin, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education
  2. University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
  3. Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Department of Anthropology, Brno, Czech Republic
  4. Polish Academy of Sciences, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Department of Anthropology, Wrocław, Poland
  5. Bath University, Department of Health, Bath, UK
  6. Poznań University of Physical Education, Theory of Sports Department, Poznań, Poland
  7. University of Coimbra, FCDEF, Coimbra, Portugal
  8. University of Coimbra, CIDAF (uid/dtp/042143/2020), Coimbra, Portugal
Biol Sport. 2024;41(1):135–144
Online publish date: 2023/07/19
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Estimated ages at take-off (TO) and at peak height velocity (PHV) based on two models and maturity status based upon age at PHV and skeletal age (SA) were compared in a longitudinal sample of male soccer players. In addition, estimated ages at PHV in 13 longitudinal samples of soccer players were compared. The longitudinal height records of 58 players of European ancestry, measured annually on four or five occasions between 11 and 16 years, were modeled with Superimposition by Translation and Rotation (SITAR) and Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA) to estimate ages at TO and PHV. SAs were assessed with the Fels method. Ages at PHV in 13 longitudinal samples of soccer players (Europe 7, Japan 6) were evaluated with meta-analysis. Estimated ages at TO, 11.2± 0.8 (SITAR) and 11.0± 0.8 (FCPA) years, and at PHV, 13.6± 0.9 (SITAR) and 13.7±0.0 (FCPA) years, were similar. An earlier age at PHV was associated with advanced skeletal maturity status (rho = -0.77 at ~14 years). Ages at PHV among European players indicated a north (later) – south (earlier) gradient, and were later than ages at PHV among Japanese players. In summary, ages at TO and PHV were similar with SITAR and FPCA, and ages at PHV were most strongly correlated with SA at ~14 years. Mean ages at PHV showed a north-south gradient among European samples, and were later compared to Japanese samples.

adolescent spurt, youth athletes, maturity timing, maturity status, talent identification

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