eISSN: 2299-8284
ISSN: 1233-9989
Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa
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vol. 18
Original paper

Physical activity of nurses

Małgorzata Zagroba
Anna Kulikowska
Małgorzata Marcysiak
Ewa Wiśniewska
Bożena Ostrowska
Grażyna Skotnicka-Klonowicz

Online publish date: 2010/09/24
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Introduction. Physical activity has a positive effect on health. Lack of exercises can lead to a range of negative changes and disorders. The
result of lack of activity can lead to handicapping its functions.

Aim of the study. To show the level of physical activity among nurses.

Material and methods. Researches were conducted in March and April 2008 in Bielański Hospital in Warsaw. The research was conducted
among 100 nurses chosen at random; 94.0% were females and 6% males working both on 12-hour shifts as well as in one shift system. The
method used was diagnostic survey written by the authors of the project.

Results. Level of physical activity among nurses was at medium level. Most of them did not exercise regularly. Being passive was explained
because of overload of home duties (56%). Nurses aged 20–30 were the group which was choosing the active way of spending their free
time most often (90.9%). Together with getting older, the number of those who were active was lower and lower. At the same time the
number of those admitting to not doing regular exercises was growing (60.5%). Most nurses were aware of the fact of positive effect of
exercises. (87%). More than half claimed that the biggest benefit of exercising was the improvement in health condition (53%). Among those
nurses who did no sport at all, the great number of 32% was explaining the fact with lack of time, 20% claimed they did not have money for exercising. The vast majority (75%) would like to take advantage of the employer’s proposal if they included free tickets to swimming pool
or a gym.

Conclusions. Nurses represent an average level of physical activity. This influences negatively the nurses credibility in terms of health
promotors. It is vital to encouraging nurses to do some forms of physical activity. Employers should give possibilities to be active by organising
cross country runs, bike and kayak excursions or by providing free tickets to a gym or a swimming pool.

Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (3): 329-336

physical activity; nurses; health

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