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vol. 27 streszczenie artykułu:
Artykuł oryginalny
Assessment of selected anthropometric indicators and training parameters in runners and their impact on injury risk and musculoskeletal overloading
Wojciech Wieszczek
Hubert Lipiński
Marta Szczepańska
Sylwia Piotrowska-Brudnicka
Physiotherapy Review, 2023, 27(4), 56-64
Data publikacji online: 2023/12/21
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ENW EndNote
BIB JabRef, Mendeley
RIS Papers, Reference Manager, RefWorks, Zotero
Background Running, as a key contributor to overall health, enhances performance, fortifies muscles, and aids in maintaining a healthy body weight. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that, akin to any physical activity, running entails a particular risk of injury, particularly affecting the lower extremities. Aims The study aimed to identify factors predisposing to musculoskeletal injuries and their most common locations among amateur runners. Material and methods A comprehensive study was conducted involving 116 amateur long-distance runners aged 18 to 69 years. The research utilized three distinct questionnaires to gather valuable insights into the runners' musculoskeletal health and training experiences. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) provided a systematic assessment of musculoskeletal discomfort and symptoms, while the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaire (OSTRCQ) focused on gathering data related to sports-related injuries. A self-report questionnaire was also employed to delve into individual perspectives and subjective experiences. Results Problems in the past 12 months in the NMQ questionnaire included knee (18%), lumbar spine (18%), hip/ankle (14%), foot (13%), shoulders (11%), cervical spine (10%), thoracic spine (8%), wrists/hands (5%), and elbow joints (3%). Problems in the past seven days on the OSTRCQ questionnaire included knee (44.8%), lumbar spine (37.1%), hip (23.3%), ankle (22.4%), and shoulder (18.1%). A statistically significant positive, strong correlation (R=0.56; p<0.001) was observed between the NMQ and OSTRCQ questionnaires. A statistically significant negative, weak correlation was also observed between the number of kilometers traveled and the NMQ questionnaire R=-0.22; p=0.02 and OSTRCQ (R=-0.32; p<0.001). Conclusions The area with the most common localization of pain is the knee and lumbar spine, followed by the hip/thigh and foot/ankle. A significant risk factor for injury involves a history of previous injury. It has been observed that higher training volume can be a preventive factor against experiencing an injury. |