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vol. 92 abstract:
Original paper
Body measurements of neonates born at one centre in the administrative region of Masovia during the years 2011-2015
Andrzej Wiśniewski
Beata Pawlus
Katarzyna Milde
Paweł Kubik
PEDIATRIA POLSKA 92 (2017) 502-512
Online publish date: 2018/03/07
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We present the assessment of birth body measurements of neonates born during the years 2011-2015 in one hospital maternity unit in the administrative region of Masovia. The measurements were compared against the WHO Child Growth Standards and the locally published reference standards.
Aim To determine mean body measurements in a cohort of neonates and compare them against the WHO standards and local standard reference values used in Poland. Material, methods Data were collected on the gender, birth weight (BW) [g; measured on electronic neonatal scales], birth length (BL) [cm; measured using a measuring tape], birth head circumference (BHC) [cm; measured using a measuring tape], gestational age (GA) [weeks; as estimated by an obstetrician] and mother's parity among 22 315 neonates born during the period of five consecutive years at one centre. Results BW, BL and BHC measurements were assessed in a cohort of 22 247 live births, including 11 519 males (M) and 10 0728 females (F; 48.2% of all neonates); most infants (92.8% of males and 93.9% of females) were born at term. Conclusions (1) The mean BW value in the study cohort was similar to that observed in Poland over the past several decades. (2) The mean birth length of a Masovian cohort cannot be compared against the standards set by the WHO because of the differences in the measurement methods. Birth length measurements should be based on the principles of anthropology and the use of a measuring tape should be discontinued. (3) The BHC value in the Masovian cohort did not differ from the standards set by the WHO or the standards published in Poland. A tendency for the BHC to increase with a simultaneous decrease in the BL has been observed however, it requires further studies. keywords:
Neonate, Birth length, Birth weight, Birth head circumference |