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vol. 6 abstract:
Original paper
Diagnosing and planning of nursing care for a patient with a diagnosis of schizophrenia using the international NANDA, NIC and NOC classifications
Piotr Pawłowski
Renata Markiewicz
Beata Dobrowolska
Online publish date: 2021/07/30
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The aim of this paper is to present how the NANDA, NIC, and NOC classifications can be applied in the process of planning nursing care for a patient with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Material and methods The paper is based on the method of analysis of an individual case study and uses research techniques such as interview, observation, measurement, and analysis of medical records. The following research tools were used: Individual Nursing Care Card, Richardson’s Fatigue Rating Scale, Patterson’s SAD PERSONS Scale for Suicide Risk Assessment, and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Results Based on the collected empirical data and the NANDA classification, the following nursing diagnoses were made: (1) disturbed sleep patterns [00198], (2) fatigue [00093], (3) impaired mood control [00241], (4) impaired memory [00131], (5) social isolation [00054], (6) lack of hope [00124], (7) helplessness [00125], (8) impaired memory [00131], (9) impaired social interactions [00052], (10) anxiety [00146], (11) chronic sadness [00137], (12) risk of suicide [00150]. For the diagnosis: risk of suicide [00150], a nursing care plan using the NIC and NOC classifications was drawn up, utilising the scientific evidence included in these classifications. Conclusions Nursing problems occurring in a patient hospitalised due to schizophrenia result from symptoms of the disease and side effects associated with taking medicines. When applied in the process of diagnosing and planning nursing care, NANDA, NIC, NOC classifications allow nurses of evidence-based activities. keywords:
nursing care, schizophrenia, NANDA, NIC, NOC |