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vol. 6 abstract:
Original paper
Family functioning and job satisfaction among oncological nurses
Online publish date: 2021/10/29
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The family has a significant impact on the development of every individual. Normal functioning is required to satisfy basic needs, including those of an emotional nature, such as a sense of belonging, safety and support. The family is crucial for the development of the phenomenon of mental immunity. The aim of this study was to identify the determinants that significantly affect job satisfaction including family functioning among oncology nurses. Material and methods The study was carried out in May 2018 during the 22nd Polish Conference for Oncology Nurses in Białystok, which was organised by the Polish Oncology Nursing Society. A total of 215 nurses working in different oncology centres around Poland were included in the study. The study method included a diagnostic survey using: the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire MSQ and the Family Situation Assessment Questionnaire, i.e. Family APGAR. Results The mean satisfaction level in the studied group was 67.10 points. The mean score in the Family APGAR scale was 7.71. Better family functioning is associated with a higher job satisfaction level (rHO = 0.30; p < 0.001). Conclusions The job aspects which proved to be significantly associated with the satisfaction level include: the possibility of doing something good for others, satisfaction with one’s current life, the professional skills of one’s superior, and the perceived importance of one’s work. Better functioning in family life is associated with improved job satisfaction among oncology nurses. keywords:
quality of life, job satisfaction, family situation |