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vol. 93 abstract:
Original paper
Fractalkine as a severity marker of atopic dermatitis in infants and toddlers
Viktoriia Klymenko
Oleksandr Ashcheulov
Olena Vysotska
Anna Pecherska
Pediatr Pol 2018; 93 (1): 12–16
Online publish date: 2018/03/19
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Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease. The aim of the study were the relationship determining between level of serum fractalkine and clinical signs of AD; and establishing correlation between the level of serum fractalkine and paraclinical signs of AD (total Ig E level, immunogram value). Material and methods 60 children with clinical manifestations of AD in the exacerbation period of the disease (main group) and 16 healthy children without chronic diseases (control group) took part in the clinical study. Results The study showed that the serum fractalkine level is elevated in all forms of AD severity: mild – 8.55 (6.11–10.79) ng/ml, moderate – 10.97 (5.61–14.01) ng/ml, severe – 12.53 (9.01–16.68) ng/ml. It was also established that serum fractalkine levels correlate with the overall assessment of the AD severity on the SCORAD scale, total intensity of all lesions, erythema, excoriations, itching and sleep disturbances (p < 0.05). Direct correlation of fractalkine level count with neutrophil count (27 [24–71] p < 0.05), and vice versa – with the number of lymphocytes (61.5 [26–70] p < 0.05) was uncovered when analyzing serum fractalkine levels and paraclinical criteria. The study found a connection between the serum fractalkine levels and immune indicators as well: inter alia the probable reduction of CD3, CD16, Ig G and the probable increase of CD4, CD22, CD25 and Ig E. Conclusion Fractalkine can be used as an objective severity marker for acute phase of AD. keywords:
children, atopic dermatitis, fractalkine |