eISSN: 2299-8284
ISSN: 1233-9989
Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa
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vol. 26
Original paper

Gestational diabetes and its influence on the quality of life of pregnant women

Magdalena Humaj-Grysztar
Marcelina Wojsa
Julia Nawrot
Patrycja Ostrogórska
Dorota Matuszyk

Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2018; 26 (2): 157–163
Online publish date: 2018/11/13
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Diabetes is the most common metabolic complication encountered during pregnancy. It usually subsides following the delivery, yet at the same time it constitutes a risk factor for the development of manifest diabetes later in life. The assessment of the quality of life of women suffering from gestational diabetes is aimed at gaining information on various areas of their functioning and the evaluation of the recom-mendations concerning care over and education of such patients.

Aim of the study
To assess the quality of life of women with gestational diabetes.

Material and methods
The study was conducted between 15 January 2016 and 23 March 2016 in the Department of Obstetrics and Perinatology of the Universi-ty Hospital in Krakow and in the Diabetology Clinic for Pregnant Women at the Department of Metabolic Diseases of the University Hos-pital in Krakow. Eighty-seven women suffering from diagnosed gestational diabetes formed the study group, of which 47 were treated with diet and 40 with diet and insulin. The diagnostic survey method was applied in the research. A SF-36v2 standardised questionnaire as well as a questionnaire prepared by the researcher were used to assess the quality of life.

Most of the examined women assessed their life quality as good. The assessment of the quality of life varied depending on the type of therapy they received for gestational diabetes. A statistically significant difference with respect to social functioning (SF) was determined between the women treated with diet and insulin, and women treated exclusively with diet. Education and the value of BMI (body mass index) before pregnancy were factors affecting selected dimensions of the quality of life.

The treatment method and, to a minor extent, some socio-demographic factors belong to the factors that may be considered prognostic for the quality of life in women suffering from gestational diabetes.


pregnancy, quality of life, gestational diabetes mellitus, SF-36v2

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