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vol. 75 abstract:
Original paper
In-vitro comparative study to evaluate bond strength of porcelain on metal sub-structure fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) technique after application of different surface treatments
Tony Samra
Rima Saker
J Stoma 2022; 75, 2: 72-79
Online publish date: 2022/06/23
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Metal-ceramic bond strength is one of the essentials that must be studied due to recent developments in dentistry. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the ceramic bond strength with metallic sub-structure made of chromium-cobalt alloy and fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) technique after applying different surface treatments. Material and methods 40 metallic strips of Co-Cr alloy manufactured by SLM technique were divided into two main groups, A and B, which were again divided into 4 sub-groups as follows: A1 – natural surface roughness maintained (n = 10); A2 – natural roughness with a bonding agent application (n = 10); B1 – sandblasted surface (n = 10); B2 – sandblasted surface with a bonding agent application (n = 10). A surface roughness measuring test was carried out to obtain Ra-Rz values. Three-point bending test according to ISO 9693 standards was performed to determine the metal-ceramic bond strength in MPa. Fracture failure mode was determined by using an optical microscope. Results Student’s t-test was used to compare among the mean bond strengths of sub-groups, with a significant difference observed only between A1 and A2 and between A2 and B2 sub-groups. Mann-Whitney test was applied to compare among the mean ranks of the failure modes, with a significant difference noticed only between A1 and A2 sub-groups. Conclusions The bond strength in all the studied sub-groups exceeded the required minimum 25 MPa, according to ISO 9693 standards. The bonding agent had a minor effect when applied on sandblasted surfaces, while it had an important effect when applied on a natural surface roughness. keywords:
Co-Cr alloy, metal surface roughness, metal-ceramic bond strength, selective laser melting (SLM) Co-Cr alloy |