From 1st March 2024, the
rules for publications in the „Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy" will
Manuscripts sent to the editorial office after 1st March 2024 and
accepted for printing require a fee:
1. Standard fee – 470 EURO or 2200 PLN
2. Fee for members of the Polish Society of
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy – 300 EURO or 1400 PLN*
*(If the first author or last
author or corresponding author will be a active member of Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive
3. Fee for a letter to the editor – 150 EURO or
700 PLN
Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy outside standard mode also
consider high quality papers under the Fast Track Review scheme. This scheme
relies on a dedicated group of top class reviewers who issue a decision in a
short time, and accepted papers are guaranteed publication in one of the next
two issues of the journal.
Fee under the Fast Track Review program – 900 EURO or 4200 PLN
The authors of accepted
manuscripts are obliged to provide invoice data and pay the fee within the
specified deadline to the bank account indicated on the invoice. The costs of a
bank transfer are covered by the person/institution ordering the transfer.
We send invoice for payment after articles are
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- title: Publication fee for ARTICLE-SIGNATURE
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- title: Publication fee for ARTICLE-SIGNATURE
The fee applies only to the cost of
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effect on the acceptance of the article for publication. All articles submit by
editorial system are reviewed by independent experts outside the editorial
office and based on their opinions are qualified or not for publication.
Please be informed that if the author decides not to publish the work, which
was already accepted and paid, the fee paid will not be returned for reasons
beyond the Publisher’s control.
‘Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy’ follows editorial recommendations of International Committee
of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (available at This includes the requirement for registration of clinical trials in a
public trials registry at or before the time of first patient enrollment as a
condition of consideration for publication.
Publisher strongly recommends journal editors to adhere to the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), particularly to deal with acts of ethical misconduct. For more information Authors, Readers and Editors may visit the COPE website:
‘Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy’ is the official journal of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, and has been published since 1969.
‘Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy’ is published five times a year and is addressed chiefly to anaesthesiologists. However, due to the wide range of subjects it tackles (i.e. issues associated with anaesthesia, intensive therapy, resuscitation, pain research and management, emergency medical care, and perioperative medicine) and the interdisciplinary character of its articles, it is also aimed at physicians with other specialisms.
The journal is indexed in MEDLINE (PubMed), Elsevier Bibliographic Database, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Index Copernicus and the Polish Medical Bibliography.
Papers submitted should conform to standards set out in the Declaration of Helsinki (
On the basis of the Declaration of Helsinki, 'Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy' requires that all manuscripts reporting clinical research state in the first paragraph of the Methods section that:
1. The study was approved by the appropriate Ethical Review Board (with full name of this committee);
2. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects, a legal surrogate, or the parents or legal guardians for under age subjects, or that the requirement for written informed consent was waived by the ethics committee.
Lack of such statements may result in the rejection of a manuscript without review process.
Authors should avoid the use of any data that might lead to the identification of patients, or violate their rights or doctor/patient confidentiality. In the case of animal studies, their design is additionally assessed by the editorial board, which reserves the right to reject a paper if a study has involved the infliction of unnecessary suffering on animals or has led to their permanent disability.
Potential conflict of interests. Authors should submit statements of their potential connections with the medical or pharmaceutical industries and any possible conflict of interests concerning the paper’s subject matter. Such information is confidential and its potential disclosure is agreed with authors prior to the article’s publication. Papers sponsored by companies directly interested in publication should be clearly marked.
Ghostwriting and guest-authorship are forbidden. When we detect ghost written manuscripts, action will be taken against both the submitting authors and other participants.
Statements. Each manuscript
should be accompanied by an author’s statement that the paper has not been
published in whole or in part in any other journal. Such a statement means that
copyright becomes vested in the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive
Therapy, and permission to republish must be obtained from the Society.
Journal in selected situations allow the author(s) to hold the copyright but only and always with the consent obtained from the Owner of the journal. The author should ask the Editor-in-Chief for such consent.
Tables and figures taken from other publications require additional consent for reproduction from their authors and/or publishers.
Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are assessed by reviewers. The editorial office chooses a 2-3 independent reviewers based on the subject of the submitted manuscript. The competences of a reviewer are confirmed by the academic achievements. The reviewer is independent of the author of the reviewed manuscript and the editorial office of the journal. Each paper is evaluated in the double-blind review process, in which authors do not know the identity of their reviewers, nor do the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Reviewers assess the work using the electronic system on the basis of questions prepared for a specific title. Reviewers may also provide individual comments on the article.
The recommendations of the reviewers are presented to the author in writing. The review procedure respects the principle of confidentiality.
The Journal accepts for publication papers in English (either British or American English). In selected cases (e.g., guidelines) a Polish translation can be published alongside the English version.
Submitted articles are reviewed by experts in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive therapy, and, if necessary, in other specialisms. Papers are reviewed following a preliminary assessment carried out by the Editor concerning their compliance with the above-mentioned standards. If there are any reservations, papers are returned to the authors with suggestions as to final corrections. Papers accepted for publication are published in the following sections:
1. Editorials (by invitation only)
2. Original and Clinical Articles
3. Review Articles (by invitation only)
4. Special Articles (by invitation only)
5. Letters to the Editor.
Case reports are accepted for publication only as Letters to the Editor.
Submission to this journal proceeds totally online via editorial system:
Our preferred font is Times New Roman, 12 point. Guidelines concerning the text’s formatting should be indicated on the margin of the printout.
Articles should not exceed: 12 pages (original and clinical articles), or 16 pages (review articles). Text should be double-spaced with margins (approx. 1,800 characters per page).
Vocabulary. Neologisms of English origin should be avoided. All foreign language words (including explanations of abbreviations) should be italicised. Jargon expressions should be replaced with commonly understood phrases. Letters of the Greek alphabet should be used in the original form.
Papers that do not comply with the aforesaid requirements will be returned to the contributors without revision. The Editor reserves the right to correct mistakes in style and medical nomenclature and to shorten the text without consulting the author.
Abstract. Abstracts should be in English and divided into: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion (for original and clinical articles), whereas for review articles should have a descriptive character. The abstract should be brief (250 words) and refer to the content of the paper. It is to be published unchanged in the MEDLINE Bibliographic Database.
Introduction. Introduction does not require subtitle and includes work assumptions against the background of existing knowledge. In the case of continuation of earlier studies, it is recommended that authors' previous publications be quoted. Its final part should clearly specify the aim of the study.
Methods. Methods should be described in such a way as to allow verification and possible repetition of the study. When previously published methods are used, their description is necessary only if they were considerably modified, otherwise an appropriate citation is sufficient. Detailed discussion of such commonly known methods as epidural analgesia or basic haemodynamic measurements is not necessary. In cases when medical equipment and devices are not used as research tools, or when their usage has not significantly influenced the obtained results, there is no need for their detailed description; otherwise, their names should be given followed by the manufacturer’s name and the country of origin in brackets, e.g.: ‘patients' lungs were ventilated with the Evita respirator (Drager, Germany)’. Proper names of medicines and agents should be given in their pharmacopeial and not proprietary form, using terminology included in the publication: Podlewski JK, Chwalibogowska Podlewska A: Leki współczesnej terapii, PZWL, Warsaw, latest edition.
In cases of comparative evaluation of medicines, or if their use may affect the study’s final results, its trade name, manufacturer and country of origin should be specified in brackets, for example: propofol (Diprivan, AstraZeneca, USA). Proprietary names should be given without the registered trademark symbol. This part should also contain information concerning the statistical analysis of the findings that was employed and the assumed confidence interval. Please do not use the phrase: ‘analysis was carried out using the Statistica programme’ or such like. The decision concerning the type of analysis should have been made already during the preparation stage. Wrong choice of the type of analysis will result in the paper’s rejection.
Results. Results should be presented in a clear and understandable manner, and should not go beyond the scope set out in the methods. Data from tables and figures should not be repeated unnecessarily in the text, but only described, e.g.: ‘blood pressure decreased considerably after nitroglycerine (Tab. 3)’. Results should be accompanied by credible mathematical analysis, annotated with appropriate statistical symbols.
Discussion. Discussion should interpret the obtained results (and not repeat them) against the background of existing knowledge, taken from cited references. It should not assume the character of a review article, i.e. comment on references without relating to the author’s findings. Cited references concerning an individual issue, should not exceed the four most important items. Names of authors of other publications should not be cited too often; it is the achievements that are of real importance. An exception to this rule is made for outstanding, innovative papers of considerable significance. Numbers of references should appear in the text in square brackets at the end of a sentence. Citing the name of an author of another publication entails placing the reference item number immediately after the name.
Conclusions. Conclusions should concern the aim of the study, and should directly relate to the study results. They should be presented in the form of single, simple sentences, revealing a concrete thought. This part should generalise the presented results and not repeat them.
Acknowledgement relating to this article. The acknowledgements section should obtain the following distincts statements in separate paragraphs:
1. Assistance with the article. Acknowledgements should be made only to those who have made a substantial contribution to the study. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from people acknowledged by name in case readers infer their endorsement of data and conclusions. If there was no assistance state: none.
2. Financial support and sponsorship. You must make reference to all relevant sources of funding concerning this article. If there were no sources of funding please state: none.
3. Conflicts of interest. You must make reference to all relevant conflicts of interest concerning this article. If there are no conflicts of interest please state: none.
4. Presentation (for original articles only). Presentations of preliminary data at, for example, international meetings should be acknowledged separately. If preliminary data was not previously presented please state: none.
Acknowledgements relating to this article: We would like to thank Dr. Ewa Nowak for her assistance with the study.
Financial support and sponsorship: This work was supported by the Department of Anaesthesiology, London Hospital, London, UK.
Conflicts of interest: A has received honoraria from Company Z. B is currently receiving a grant (#12345) from Organisation Y, and C is on the speaker’s bureau for Organisation X. For the remaining authors none were declared.
Presentation. Preliminary data for this study were presented as a poster presentation at the International Congress of the Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Wisla 14-18 September 2014.
References. References should not exceed 30 items in the case of original and clinical articles, and 100 items for review articles. The recommended style for references is of Index Medicus/NLM:( Reference items should be put in a list according to the order in which they are cited in the text. Each item should contain the following: a) surnames and first letters of names (without a dot) of all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list the first three, then „et al.”; b) full title of the paper in original (capital letters should not be used at the beginning of each word, only the first word should begin with a capital letter); c) abbreviated name of the journal in which the paper was printed in the form specified by Index Medicus; and d) year of publication, volume, full numbers of the first and last pages of the cited passage; e.g.:
Comber X, Dhonneur G, McElwain J, Malik MA, Laffey JG. Difficult tracheal intubation. Br J Anaesth 2010; 104: 260–261.
With respect to book publications, the following should be specified: a) surname and the first letter of the author’s name (in the case of joint publications, only the name of the three authors should be given and followed by ‘and colleagues’); b) title of the book; c) publisher; d) place of publication; and e) year of publication and full numbers of the first and last pages of the cited passage. When citation concerns a book chapter, the following should be included: a) surname and the first letter of the author’s name; b) chapter’s title, preceded by ‘in:’; c) book’s title (in brackets); d) Ed: book editor’s surname; the rest as in the case of a book publication, e.g.:
Brunkhorst FM. Avoiding harm in metabolic management. In: Patient safety and quality of care in intensive care medicine. Chiche J-D, Moreno R, Rhodes A (eds.). Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin 2009; 341–348.
Internet papers from acknowledged and reviewed websites are also admissible. These should contain the following: a) surname and first letter of the author’s name; b) paper’s title; and c) URL address, e.g.: Shanahan D: Anatomy for anaesthetists. The virtual anaesthesia textbook, Numbered items of references should begin with a new paragraph. Spelling mistakes should be avoided and attention should be paid to proper punctuation, as shown in the above examples. The Editor reserves the right to delete not credible and wrongly cited references, as well as their context.
Note: In literature references, authors are obliged to present the DOI numbering for the articles with the numbers.
Units. Units should be given in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). In the cases of measurements of airway pressure, gasometric analyses, and others in which mm Hg or cm H2O are used, both units should be included, e.g.: airway pressure was 20 cm H2O (0.2 kPa). This does not apply to the value of blood pressure, which is given only in mm Hg. In all other cases (and this concerns particularly the results of biochemical and haemodynamic studies) SI is the only acceptable system.
Symbols and abbreviations. Symbols and abbreviations should be explained in brackets in their full form the first time they appear in the text. This rule does not apply to well-known and commonly used words and phrases such as: FRC, SIMV, IPPV, EKG, INR, HR, SAP/DAP, SpO2, FIO2, EtCO2, EEG, VAS, TISS, CT, RTG, DIC, AST, ASA, Hb, Ht, N2O, O2, Ca2+,or K+. It is obligatory to explain acronyms which are not well known, e.g.: ‘ILV, Independent Lung Ventilation’.
Figures. The recommended format for figures is: .tif, .cdr, .jpg. Low resolution materials as well as figures in MS Word editor are not accepted. Moreover, the Editor will admit scanned materials provided that their quality is satisfactory. It is recommended that the figures are of the same size, clear. The photographs cannot in any way allow identification of a patient or breach his or her rights in any other way; otherwise, a written consent for publication is required. A separate sheet should contain a list of all figure titles, with an explanation of any symbols used.
Tables. All tables should be prepared and submitted similarly to figures. They should not be placed in the text. The table’s number (Arabic) and title should be given above, whereas explanations of symbols and abbreviations should follow the table. If possible, inside the table no lines dividing columns and rows should be used. Names of tested parameters should be accompanied by units in which the results are presented, e.g.: creatinine (μmol L-1). The Editor reserves the right to edit tables or remove parts of data from them. Should the same data be presented in both figures and tables, the Editor will choose only one of these.
All collaborators who have made significant and substantial contributions to a study are considered to be coauthors. The nature and level of contribution of all authors of accepted manuscripts must be indicated, i.e. conception, design, execution and interpretation of the data being published, and who has written the paper. An author may list more than one contribution, and more than one author may have contributed to the same aspect of the work. Other contributions to the work, such as providing reagents or analytic tools, should be listed in the Acknowledgements. Ghostwriting and guest-authorship are forbidden. When we detect ghost written manuscripts, action will be taken against both the submitting authors and other participants.
The opinions and information published in ‘Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy’ do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or the Publisher, who cannot be held responsible for any consequences of their publication. Promotional materials are printed in the journal at the request of sponsors, and should not be perceived as representing the Editor’s or the Publisher’s opinions with respect to its contents.