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Short report
Meeting of Initiative Group for Central European Hepatologic Collaboration (CEHC)
Robert Flisiak
Clinical and Experimental HEPATOLOGY 2016; 1: 1
Online publish date: 2016-03-24
Review paper
Epidemiology of HCV infection in the Central European region
Petr Urbánek,
Pavol Kristian,
Michael Makara,
Bela Hunyady,
Krzysztof Tomasiewicz
Clinical and Experimental HEPATOLOGY 2016; 1: 2–6
Online publish date: 2016-03-24
Review paper
New therapeutic options for HCV in Central Europe
Robert Flisiak,
Petr Urbánek,
Laszlo Rokusz,
Marian Oltman,
Mihaly Makara,
Martin Janicko
Clinical and Experimental HEPATOLOGY 2016; 1: 7–11
Online publish date: 2016-03-24
Review paper
Evaluation of hepatic fibrosis – access to non-invasive methods, national practice/guidelines in Central Europe
Peter Jarcuska,
Radan Bruha,
Gabor Horvath,
Krzysztof Simon,
Sylvia Drazilova
Clinical and Experimental HEPATOLOGY 2016; 1: 12–15
Online publish date: 2016-03-24
Review paper
Hepatology topics of special interest from Central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia)
Bela Hunyady,
Jerzy Jaroszewicz,
Ľubomír Lipták,
Ľubomír Skladaný,
Jan Sperl,
Juraj Šváč
Clinical and Experimental HEPATOLOGY 2016; 1: 16–20
Online publish date: 2016-03-24
Original paper
Liver transplantation in Central Europe
Pavel Trunecka,
Zsuzsanna Gerlei,
Wojciech Lisik,
Lubomir Skladany,
Jiri Fronek,
Stefan Hrusovsky,
Piotr Małkowski
Clinical and Experimental HEPATOLOGY 2016; 1: 21–26
Online publish date: 2016-03-24