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Original paper
LASEK (Laser Epithelial Kertomileusis) a new refractive surgery technique. Own experience.
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura,
Marek Obidziński,
Iwona Rokita-Wala,
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Changes of corneal structure — in vivo evaluation after LASEK procedure in the early postoperative period
Iwona Rokita-Wala,
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura,
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek,
Marek Obidziński
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Research paper
Management of dislocated lenses in patients with Marfan's syndrome with vitrectomy and intraocular lenses
Wojciech Omulecki,
Beata Latecka-Krajewska,,
Dorota Pałenga-Pydyn,
Aleksandra Synder
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Vitrectomy in the management of idiopathic and secondary preretinal fibrosis
Jerzy Mackiewicz,
Frank G. Holz,
Hans Vôlcker,
Zbigniew Zagórski
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Results of management of retinal redetachment following silicone oil removal
Agata Wesołek-Czernik,
Jerzy Nawrocki
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Retinotomy for retinal redetachment in the silicone oil filled eye
Jerzy Nawrocki,
Dorota Starska
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
The article is only available to the following types of users:
physician Original paper
Evaluation of silicone oil removal from eyes treated with retinotomy
Jerzy Nawrocki,
Dorota Starska
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Optic nerve disc laser scanning tomography and static perimetry in juvenile glaucoma
Bronisława Koraszewska-Matuszewska,
Erita Filipek,
Elżbieta Samochowiec-Donocik,
Ewa Pieczara,
Andrzej Dudziński
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Amniotic membrane transplantation for bullous keratopathy
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek,
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura,
Iwona Rokita-Wala,
Monika Szymkowiak
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Emergency service in an ophthalmology clinic in new system of health protection
Stanisław Krzywicki,
Ewa Samson,
Barbara Kruszewska-Bogusz
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Original paper
Posterior uveitis in 47-years old woman infected with HIV - case report
Magdalena Leszczyszyn-Pynka,
Danuta M Przerwa
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Case report
Uveal effusion syndrome - case report
Danuta Korporowicz,
Jolanta Sikorska
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
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physician Review article
The use of enzymes in vitreoretinal surgery
Marcin Czajka,
Krystyna Pecold
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
The article is only available to the following types of users:
physician Review article
The role of the light in the refractive errors pathogenesis
Damian Czepita
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
The article is only available to the following types of users:
physician Review article
The history of laser refractive surgery in Poland
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura
Online publish date: 2002-02-27
The article is only available to the following types of users:
physician |