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Original paper
Varied optical coherence tomography angiography patterns at different stages of macular telangiectasia type 2 – analysis of 15 cases
Joanna Gołębiewska,
Joanna Moneta-Wielgoś,
Monika Turczyńska,
Przemysław Krajewski,
Aleksandra Kuźnik-Borkowska,
Dariusz Kęcik,
Joanna Brydak-Godowska
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Original paper
Disturbances of functional parameters of the visual system in conservatively treated and haemodialysed patients with non-diabetic chronic kidney disease
Agnieszka Gajdowska,
Piotr Jurowski
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Original paper
Comparison of efficacy and safety of postoperative treatment with loteprednol etabonate and bromfenac after phacoemulsification
Magdalena Kucharczyk-Pośpiech,
Piotr Jurowski,
Wiktoria Kubisiak,
Monika Chwiałkowska-Karam,
Michał Wilczyński,
Sylwia Konarska,
Wojciech Omulecki
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Original paper
Does the beneficial effect of mycophenolate mofetil persist long-term in the treatment of non-infectious uveitis?
Maja Waszczyk-Łączak,
Jacek P. Szaflik
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Original paper
Surgical treatment of conjunctival nevi in pediatric patients
Klaudia Rakusiewicz,
Krystyna Kanigowska,
Wieslawa Grajkowska,
Wojciech Hautz
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Original paper
HTRA1 rs11200638 and ARMS2 rs10490924 gene polymorphisms and response to intravitreal anti-VEGF treatment in patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration
Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska,
Izabella Karska-Basta,
Sylwia Dziedzina,
Marek Sanak,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Original paper
Clinical and histopathological evaluation of 312 excised conjunctival tumors
Magdalena Dębicka-Kumela,
Izabella Karska-Basta,
Anna Markiewicz,
Anna Bogdali,
Joanna Kowal,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Case report
Ophthalmological manifestations in antiphospholid syndrome – case series
Aleksandra Ostrowska-Spaleniak,
Karolina Krix-Jachym,
Marek Rękas
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Case report
The case of orbital lymphatic malformation in child treated with surgery
Anna Maria Niwald,
Monika Daszyńska,
Katarzyna Piasecka,
Artur Kobielski,
Józef Kobos,
Mirosława Grałek
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Review paper
Ocular sarcoidosis – review
Katarzyna Nowik,
Kamil Nowik,
Justyna Izdebska,
Jacek P. Szaflik
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Review paper
Pterygium – current review on pathogenesis and treatment
Marcin Jawor,
Dorota Wyględowska-Promieńska
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
In memoriam
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Maria Starzycka ur. 15 czerwca 1934 roku zm. 20 grudnia 2018 roku
Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska
Online publish date: 2019-06-05
Evaluation of some clinical parameters in patients with retinitis pigmentosa in relationship to the type of inheritance
Renata Zalewska,
Anna Teresa Midro,
Andrzej Stankiewicz,
Zofia Mariak,
Ewa Proniewska-Skrętek,
Piotr Sobolewski
Online publish date: 2024-03-28