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Investigations of alpha-1-antitrypsin level in blood serum of patients with melanoma of the choroid
Anna Matysik,
Beata Jakubowska-Solarska,
Jerzy Toczołowski
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy - pathogenesis, classification, indications to laser surgery and its incidence in the materials of Wrocław University Eye Clinic
Maria Hanna Niżankowska,
Anna Łukasik-Czerek,
Jolanta Oficjalska-Młyńczak
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Panretinal coagulation with argon laser - materials of Wrocław University Eye Clinic from 1911 to 1994
Maria Hanna Niżankowska,
Jolanta Oficjalska-Młyńczak,
Anna Łukasik-Czerek,
Grażyna Popiela,
Hanna Zając-Pytrus,
Anna Turno-Kręcicka
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
The incidence of macular edema in diabetic retinopathy and results of its treatment in the materials of Wrocław University Eye Clinic from 1991 to 1994
Maria Hanna Niżankowska,
Anna Łukasik-Czerek,
Grażyna Popiela,
Jolanta Oficjalska-Młyńczak,
Hanna Zając-Pytrus,
Anna Turno-Kręcicka
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Optic disc hypoplasia in children
Bronisława Koraszewska-Matuszewska,
Elżbieta Samochowiec-Donocik,
Iwona Rokita-Wala
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Retinal detachment surgery in the years 1989-1994
Olgierd Palacz,
Zofia Krzystolik,
Wojciech Lubiński,
Marta Kołodziej,
Ewa Iwanicka
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Retinotomy - early own experience
Jerzy Nawrocki,
Zbigniew Pikulski,
Krzysztof Dzięgielewski,
Agata Wesołek
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Visual system changes in low birth weight children
Mirosława Grałek,
Bazyli Bogorodzki,
Barbara Kamer,
Anna Niwald
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Angioid streaks. Pathogenesis and clinical picture
Henryk Janotka,
Jolanta Hess,
Jadwiga Włodarczyk
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Angioid streaks - a case report
Ewa Dróbecka-Brydak,
Izabella Skórska,
Paweł Lewandowski
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Physical fitness of the ophthalmologic surgeon
Jerzy Toczołowski,
Anna Matysik
Online publish date: 2024-03-28
Has the idea of intraocular lens implantation appeared for first time on the territory of Poland?
Marek Prost
Online publish date: 2024-03-28