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vol. 3 abstract:
Knowledge of patients after the beginning of the brain on own disease
Katarzyna Cieślak
Online publish date: 2019/12/02
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Stroke – is one of the most frequently mentioned causes of death in Poland, apart from heart attacks and cancer. The leading cause of disability in the world. In the case of a stroke, time counts, because the time that has passed since the appearance of symptoms until hospitalization, determines the treatment and, consequently, the condition of the patient at a later stage of convalescence. Prevention of stroke by preventing the occurrence of diseases affecting the risk of developing the brain, and taking action to increase public awareness of the subject, has a huge impact on the occurrence of stroke. Aim The aim of the study was understanding level of the knowledge of stroke patients about their own disease. Material and methods The research was carried out at the Independent Public Health Care Center in Mława, in the Hospital Emergency Department. The study included 60 SOR patients who had had a stroke. The group of respondents included: 36 men and 24 women. The study includes sociodemographic and socio-living factors. The diagnostic survey method was used by conducting a questionnaire. Results The level of knowledge of patients after stroke is influenced by sociodemographic factors: sex and education, socio¬living factors concerning the place of residence. Other: as age and marital status, and place of residence, do not affect the level of knowledge of the examined patients. Conclusions It was found that the consciousness of the subjects about knowledge about diseases affecting the risk of stroke is correct. The study group of patients was able to indicate the symptoms of a stroke and react correctly in the event of a stroke. keywords:
stroke, knowledge, conduct |