19.04.2023 - 22.04.2023

© 2025 Termedia


Andrzej Mackiewicz Andrzej Mackiewicz
Jacek Mackiewicz Jacek Mackiewicz

Scientific partnership and scientific supervision

Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Greater Poland Cancer Centre, PL
Polish Society for Experimental and Clinical Immunology, PL
Wielkopolska Center of Oncology Polish Society of Experimental and Clinical Immunology, PL
Committee of Immunology and Infectious Diseases of Polish Academy of Sciences, PL




Medical representatives who want to register participants are requested to contact the Customer Service Office at: kontakt@termedia.pl

1/ How to register – individuals
To register, you need to have a user account at Termedia.pl. If you do not have an account, the account will be created during registration. If you already have an account, sign in and click REJESTRACJA / REGISTRATION. The data will be completed automatically but you can still correct them. Check if the email address and telephone number are correct. We will send you reminders of the live stream using email and telephone.

2/ How can I obtain an invoice for the payment ?
Please give your full data for invoicing purposes in the registration form. After your payment is posted, you will be sent the invoice to your email address.

3/ Are any certificates of participation in the e-conference issued ?
Yes. Certificates will be added to PARTICIPANT ZONE tab after the conference.

4/ How can I attend the event ?
Please visit www.termedia.pl, and in the Events tab, select the event and sign in to your account.

5/ Will the conference materials be available also after the e-conference ?
Yes, but only to participants who have the premium package. The content will be available for 30 days after the conference. All you need is to sign in to your account at https://www.termedia.pl/Twoje-produkty

6/ Can I ask a question during a lecture ?
Yes, during each lecture anyone can ask a question. Answers will be given during Q&A session.
The publisher makes every effort to ensure that the range of post-conference materials is as broad as possible. However, (paying special attention to respect for copyright), in the event that you have not received permission to leave the recorded lecture in the archive, such material will not be published in the archive.

7/ Technical information
  • If the webinar did not start on time, try to refresh the web browser.
  • If you see the picture but cannot hear anything, click on the player. Some browsers do not allow you to automatically turn on the picture and sound. If you still have a problem with the sound, make sure that the speakers on your computer are turned on.
  • If the stream is fading out / interrupted or the picture quality is poor, first check your Internet speed. You can do this using e.g. speedtest.pl. For the webinar to be played correctly, you should have the speed of at least 2Mbps. By clicking on the gear wheel icon visible on the player, you can control the picture quality yourself.
  • The player should work on every browser currently in use, but we recommend using Chrome or Firefox.
If following our instructions you were not able to resolve the problem or any other difficulties occurred, contact us at pomoc@termedia.pl.

If you have any problems with signing in or registration, please contact us:
  • by telephone Monday-Friday in 8.00-16.00, on 506 802 006 or 500 068 362
  • by email at kontakt@termedia.pl
Please remember that everyone who has the premium package can watch the video in VOD archives.


Contact for participants:
Termedia Publishing sp. z o.o.
2 Kleeberga Street
61-615 Poznań
tel. +48 506 802 006 and +48 500 068 362

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