The National Institute of Cardiology invites you to

28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022

© 2025 Termedia


Dear all,
The 21st ENS@T meeting will be held in Warsaw (Poland) between the 28th and 30th September 2022, 3 years after our last meeting in person in Uppsala. It will be a joint meeting, with the 1st Harmonis@tion meeting, a EU-supported COST action supporting the harmonization of European practice on adrenal tumors management, research, and data sharing. The meeting is free of charge for ENS@T and/or Harmonis@tion members. The abstract submission deadline for the scientific meeting is September 6th, 2022. However, this year > 50 travel (and accommodation) grant awards are available for adrenal experts (clinicians, researchers) and to clinical adrenal data experts (engineers, ethics and legal experts). Early career (< 45 years of age) and Eastern European countries are strongly encouraged to apply. To be considered for travel grants you need to be a member of COST Harmonisation (please apply to become a member on AND you also need to apply by submitting an abstract (< 250 words, case reports permitted) by July 8th, 2022. A Link where you can upload your abstracts for the travel grants will be available soon on the harmonisation ( and ensat ( website. These abstracts will also be automatically forwarded to be considered for the scientific meeting but you will have a chance to review and modify them again if so wished before the September 6th deadline. These grants will be covered by the COST action. Please diffuse this information to your teams and colleagues.
Preliminary program for the meeting:
- Adrenal Tumors Masterclass (Wednesday 28th September, starting at 2pm). Limited to 120 attendees.
- ENS@T working groups, oral and poster communications, general assembly (from Thursday am till Friday at 3pm)
- Harmonis@tion Working Groups, Management Committee, and joint meeting with ENS@T (on Thursday pm and Friday am)
- ENS@T diner (Thursday evening, free for ENS@T members).
Please save the date. You can start booking your travel. A list of hotels with negotiated rates will be provided soon. Follow us on  and

Best regards
ENS@T, Harmonis@tion, and Warsaw POC





Confrence (29-30 September)

For the venue of the conference we have chosen a place that perfectly fits into the formula of ENS@T and COST-Harmonization. It is the Copernicus Science Center - located on the banks of the Vistula River in Warsaw's historic Powiśle district. The modern building is part of a revitalized district that is vibrant with scientific, cultural and social life.

Copernicus Science Center, Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20, Warsaw

Adrenal Master Class (28 September)

We have chosen a unique venue for the Adrenal Master Class - the University of Warsaw Library building. This modern building, designed by Marek Budzyński and Zbigniew Badowski, is one of the most beautiful in Warsaw - it combines austere simplicity with refined elegance to create a unique scientific atmosphere.

University of Warsaw Library, Dobra 56/66, Warsaw



Executive organizer & office:
Termedia Publishing House
ul. Kleeberga 2
61-615 Poznań, Poland
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