eISSN: 2299-8284
ISSN: 1233-9989
Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa
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vol. 18
Original paper

Choice criteria of the first workplace in a group of nursing graduates

Anna Leńczuk-Gruba
Ewa Kobos
Zofia Sienkiewicz
Grażyna Wójcik

Online publish date: 2010/05/11
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Introduction. Work is a basic activity of an adult human being and has a huge impact on his existence in the surrounding world, value
system, mental efficiency, shapes attitudes and is an essence of life. Professional career on one hand can be a source of satisfaction, but can
also cause tiredness, boredom or frustration, therefore, it is extremely important to properly choose the place of work.

Aim of the study. Defining the main choice criteria of the first workplace for graduates of bachelors nursing studies.

Material and methods. The research was conducted in 2009 at the Medical University of Warsaw among the 100 nursing graduates. The
study was conducted by the means of a diagnostic opinion poll with questionnaire.

Results. According to 64% of respondents a job that meets personal interests, gives an opportunity for personal and professional development
has an important influence in the choice of the first workplace. A challenging job is also considered an important criterion in the choice
of workplace for 60% of respondents. The thirds important criterion is a friendly working environment - according to 56% of respondents.
Criteria that are considered the least important are: “easy, effortless job” for 12% of respondents and “work with no responsibility for others”
for 13% of respondents.

Conclusion. Friendly working environment is one of the key factors in the choice of the first workplace.

Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (2): 158-162

work environment; occupational adaptation; working conditions

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