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ISSN: 1505-8409
Przewodnik Lekarza/Guide for GPs Supplement
Current supplement Archive Guide for GPs
vol. 1

Lung cancer patients during chemotherapy ambulatory care

Beata Brajer
Halina Batura-Gabryel

Przew Lek 2007;1: 142-145
Online publish date: 2007/03/21
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With multiple drug combination chemotherapy applied to LC patients there occur side effects which are inseparably associated both during hospitalization and in ambulatory patients under the first contact doctor’s care. In this article guidelines are presented in the event of side effects occurring. Between consecutive cycles the most frequent are myelosuppression, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, which worsen the quality of patients’ lives. These may imply the necessity of extending cycles and reduction in cytostatics dosage. Knowledge concerning the features, the time of predicted side effects occurrence and the way of their treatment determine therapy effectiveness.

lung cancer, chemotherapy, ambulatory care

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