ARCHIVAL" /> Modern methods of laparoscopic equipment sterilization
ISSN: 1231-6407
Ginekologia Praktyczna - - - ARCHIVAL
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vol. 17

Modern methods of laparoscopic equipment sterilization

Beata Szyszka
Justyna Kowalska
Agnieszka Nalewczyńska

Gin Prakt 2009; 3: 42-44
Online publish date: 2009/08/28
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The paper presents recent sterilizations methods of laparos-copic equipment and instru-mentation, particularly the plas-matic and radiological. The benefits arising from the use of these two techniques allow to claim that the plasmatic and radiological sterilization should be the methods of choice in the process of sterilization of endoscopical instruments and equipment. Their action and selection criteria for choosing proper technique to type of instrumentation were described. A properly conducted sterilization process of laparoscopic tools promotes their proper per-formance and reducing to a minimum the risk of infection of operated patients.

height temperature sterilizations, plasmatic steriliza-tions, sterilizations using gamma radiation

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