ARCHIVAL" /> New methods of treatment in view of what patients expect from erectile dysfunction therapy
ISSN: 1231-6407
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vol. 12

New methods of treatment in view of what patients expect from erectile dysfunction therapy

Violetta Skrzypulec
Aneta Walaszek
Wioleta Rozmus-Warcholińska
Tomasz Gruszka
Agnieszka Drosdzol
Krzysztof Nowosielski
Bogusława Piela

Ginek Prakt 2004, 12, 1, 16-22
Online publish date: 2004/03/16
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Normal sexual functioning exerts a strong influence on relationships through confidence, love and care. If a man suffers from erectile dysfunction and sexual intercourse is impossible, the partners’ relations are incomplete. The diagnosis of erectile dysfunctions play an important role in every age group. According to the newest studies, erectile dysfunctions are widely undiagnosed and untreated. Although the treatment of sexual disorders has been known in many civilizations for ages it was mainly based on rituals, the magic and folk medicine rather than scientific methods. The introduction of PDE5 inhibitors in 1998 was a major breakthrough. These drugs have a selective influence on PDE5 which is responsible for the relaxation of erectile smooth muscles and leads to effective penile erection. Main advantages of these drugs include both easiness and discretion of their application as well as a spontaneous (natural) response to sexual stimulation. Both the medical history and physical examination are the most important tools for an early diagnosis of sexual disorders. According to the WHO they are “the gold standard“ of erectile dysfunctions’ diagnosis.

erectile dysfunction, impotence, phosphodieserase inhibitors, PDE5

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