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Zgłaszanie i recenzowanie prac online
vol. 27 streszczenie artykułu:
Artykuł oryginalny
Optimization of the position for isometric exercise to strengthen the vastus medialis oblique muscle based on surface electromyography tests: an observational study
Michał Piotr Polawski
Joanna Zyznawska
Grzegorz Frankowski
Review, Physiotherapy Review, 2023, 27(2), 19-30
Data publikacji online: 2023/06/28
Pełna treść artykułu
Pobierz cytowanie
ENW EndNote
BIB JabRef, Mendeley
RIS Papers, Reference Manager, RefWorks, Zotero
Background The vastus medialis oblique (VMO) is the main dyna- mic stabilizer of the knee joint. Due to its anatomic structure, the muscle works at high speed and with high strength, but it tends to weaken relatively fast and atrophy. Aims The study aimed to determine if vastus medialis muscle (VM) shows the highest bioelectric activity during isometric contraction in flexion or extension position of the knee joint. Material and methods Tests were conducted on 48 cases; the bio- electrical activity of the VM muscle was measured with the use of surface electromyography (sEMG). The electric potentials of the muscle were tested in two positions of the knee joint extension from 5° to 0° and flexion of 90°. Tests were conducted three times in each of the positions. The statistical analysis was based on two analyzed parameters: the average value of excitation and the maxi- mum value of excitation of the vastus medialis muscle. Results The VMO muscle shows a higher bioelectric activity in the extended position of the knee joint than when the joint is flexed, in a statistically significant way (p<0.01). The result is significant for both the average and the maximum muscle activation values. Conclusions In the extended position of the knee joint, the vastus medialis muscle shows the highest bioelectric activity during iso- metric contraction, which makes it the best position for isometric exercise to strengthen this muscle. |