eISSN: 2719-3209
ISSN: 0023-2157
Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica
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SCImago Journal & Country Rank
vol. 107
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Prze­to­ki­ tęt­ni­czo­-ży­lne­­ w­ za­to­ce­ ja­mis­tej.­­ Po­rów­na­nie­ prze­biegu­­ ja­tro­gen­nej­ bez­po­śred­niej­­ prze­to­ki­ z ­prze­to­ką­­ po­śred­nią „low­ flow”

Heinrich Holak
Nikolai Holak
Bertram­ Schie­r
Sophie Holak
Ja­nusz­ Hu­zar­ski

  1. Klinika Okulistyczna w Centrum Medycznym im R. Virchowa w Salzgitter
  2. Zakład Neuroradiologii w Centrum Radiologicznym w Salzgitter
  3. Klinika Okulistyczna w Schlossparklinik w Berlinie
  4. Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia w Katowicach
Klinika Oczna 2005, 107(1-3): 103-109
Data publikacji online: 2005/03/15
Pełna treść artykułu Pobierz cytowanie

Comparison of symptoms of the low-flow dura shunt syndrome as a small arterial anomaly in the cavernous sinus with the direct, traumatic originated internal carotid artery fistula.

Material and methods
The clinical case report for two patients. The first case with a direct cavernous sinus fistula was diagnosed using angiography and the patient was treated with a detachable balloon catheter through the inferior petrousal sinus. The second case after the diagnosis was followed up with doppler sonography.

The first case developed the direct cavernous sinus fistula after second thrombarteriotomy of the right internal carotid stenosis. The diagnosis, by typical clinical symptoms, was confirmed through the cavernous sinus angiogram with enlarged superior and inferior ophthalmic veins. The drainage was accomplished through the inferior petrousal sinus and the intercavernous sinus with accompanying signs of cortical drainage. All clinical symptoms, except for the abducens nerve palsy and the incomplete oculomotor nerve palsy, were reduced after neurosurgical occlusion of the fistula. The second case with the low-flow dura shunt syndrome was symptomatic by hypertension crisis and some spontaneous reduction was noticed.

The iatrogenic direct cavernous sinus fistula is seldom but a very dangerous vital complication of the internal carotid arterial stenosis surgery and must be immediately closed through the endovascular embolisation therapy. The low-flow dura shunt syndrome may be in 50 % occluded spontaneously.

słowa kluczowe:

dura shunt syndrom, jatrogenna przetoka tętniczo-żylna, przetoka pośrednia „low flow”

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