eISSN: 2299-8284
ISSN: 1233-9989
Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa
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vol. 19
Review paper

Psychological problems of women hospitalized because of gynaecological diseases

Aleksandra Słopiecka
Elżbieta Kamusińska

Online publish date: 2011/07/06
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Many females’ health problems result from disorders pertaining to the anatomical structure and/or physiology of female sex organs. The
after-effects of gynaecological illnesses and applied methods of treatment do not only concern physical organic dysfunctions within the
said organs, but they affect the formation of detrimental changes in the sphere of women’s psyche.

The object of the study was to present psychological problems of women hospitalized because of gynaecological diseases.

The paper gives a review of literature concerning health problems of women diagnosed and treated for illnesses of female sex organs.
Descriptively analysed were data on anxiety appearing in patients in the period around the operation and on experienced emotional states
connected with the fact of diagnosis of a gynaecological disease and of being subject to diagnosis and treatment. Opinions of specialists are
presented as well as selected results of research published in scientific medical periodicals such as “Współczesna Onkologia”, “Przegląd
Lekarski”, “Ginekologia Polska”, “Ginekologia Praktyczna”, “Cancer Nursing”, “Ginekologia Onkologiczna”, “Zdrowie Publiczne”, and papers
published in the form of books.

In the specialists’ opinion in sexual organs diseases in women general emotional adjustment is deteriorating, there are states of hyperexcitability,
anxiety and depression. The most neuroses changes are lesion which prevent sexual intercourse or the ability to give birth to a child.
In justified cases, treatment of psychotherapy for women should be conducted.

Women hospitalized because of gynaecological diseases suffer from many serious problems of psychological nature. The kind and intensity
of negative emotional states of patients to a high degree depend on the disease entity and on the extent of the operation. Women treated
gynaecologically should be subject to psychological and/or psychiatric aid.

Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (1): 130–133

gynecologic diseases; feelings; mental disorders

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