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vol. 93

Protoplast fusion of Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus microsporus for enhanced fumaric acid production from glycerol

Monika Kordowska-Wiater
Magdalena Polak-Berecka
Adam Waśko
Zdzisław Targoński

BioTechnologia vol. 93(4) C pp. 425-430 C 2012
Online publish date: 2014/10/28
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Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus microsporus strains were screened for their ability to produce fumaric acid on glycerol

as the sole carbon source in the medium. After seven days of stationary culture, fumaric acid was assayed

by HPLC analysis, and maximum concentrations of 0.3% (w/v) and 0.33% (w/v) were recorded. Protoplast fusion

was used to improve fumaric acid production. A selective medium for the fusant culture was composed on the

basis of biochemical differences between parental strains, as examined using the Biolog FF MicroPlateTMFungi

Identification Test. Double fusion rounds led to a 1.46-fold increase in fumaric acid productivity relative to the

parental strains. Individual Rhizopus fusants demonstrated a various ability to produce fumaric acid from

2.0% (w/v) of glycerol, with the most effective ones producing from 0.2 to 0.27 g · g-1 this acid. To date, no studies

have been carried out to improve fumaric acid production by Rhizopus with the use of glycerol as the only

carbon source in the medium.

Rhizopus, fumaric acid, protoplast fusion, glycerol

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