eISSN: 2353-9461
ISSN: 0860-7796
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vol. 92

Pathogenesis and clinical consequences of iron overload in chronic hepatitis C -- impact of host and viral factors related to iron metabolism

Katarzyna Sikorska
Tomasz Romanowski
Krzysztof P. Bielawski

BioTechnologia vol. 92(1) C pp. 54-65 C 2011
Online publish date: 2014/10/28
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Chronic hepatitis C virus infection is a leading cause of progressive liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular

carcinoma. Iron overload is frequently observed in cases of chronic hepatitis C and has been suggested as a negative

prognostic factor for this disease. Although the mechanisms leading to iron accumulation are not fully explained

yet, both host and viral factors seem to contribute towards the development of this pathology. Better understanding

of the interplay between hepatitis C virus replication and expression of iron regulatory molecules may

elucidate new and interesting targets for the effective treatment of chronic hepatitis C.

hepatitis C, pathogenesis, iron

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