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vol. 8 abstract:
Reviewing the falls in individuals with dementia: causes, consequences, prevention strategies. The vital contribution of nursing professionals
Anna Dziekiewicz
Joanna Bystron
Bartłomiej Ludwig
Jakub Kobiałka
Long-Term Care Nursing 2023; 8 (1): 20-33
Online publish date: 2023/05/05
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Falls in elderly individuals with dementia represent a significant public health problem that affects patients' physical health, psychological wellbeing, social life, and economic stability. With the growing prevalence of dementia worldwide, the impact of falls is likely to increase in the coming decades. This review has identified multiple risk factors associated with falls in people with dementia, including biological, behavioral, environmental, and socioeconomic factors. However, there is still a knowledge gap in the risk factors for falls in people with dementia before their diagnosis. Efforts are needed to develop effective interventions that can prevent falls and minimize the impact of injuries on patients' health and quality of life. Many strategies for preventing falls have been studied and developed, including regular physical activity, appropriate modification of the homes of individuals particularly susceptible to falls, as well as proper attention to safety in hospital environments. Healthcare providers, including nurses, should be aware of the increased risk of injuries in patients with dementia and take appropriate measures to prevent and manage them. Nursing interventions such as education on the identification of risk factors, safe ambulation techniques, and patient-specific interventions can play a significant role in preventing falls in patients with dementia. By improving our understanding of the risk factors for falls in this vulnerable population and implementing effective nursing interventions, we can reduce the burden of falls and improve the overall health and wellbeing of patients with dementia.
dementia, risk factors, prevention, falls |