eISSN: 2081-2833
ISSN: 2081-0016
Medycyna Paliatywna/Palliative Medicine
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vol. 6
Original paper

Selected aspects of the problem of orthothanasia in the perception of medical students

Andrzej Guzowski
Elżbieta Krajewska-Kułak
Mateusz Cybulski

Medycyna Paliatywna 2014; 6(3): 158–164
Online publish date: 2014/11/05
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Introduction: According to Kopaliński “orthothanasia” this is an “abandonment of further artificially sustained life”.

Aim of the study: To evaluate selected aspects of the problem “orthothanasia” in the perception of medical students.

Material and methods: The study included 155 students and we used the original questionnaire.

Results: 58.1% of respondents thinking about death, they felt fear and something unpleasant (57.4%). 69% felt that the way it is perceived is changing in the face of the death of a loved one. Most of the students considered euthanasia as “the acceleration of death in order to shorten the suffering of sick man” (31%), had a problem with an explanation of the concept of “dysthanasia” (44.5%), “antidysthanasia” (30.3%), and “orthothanasia” (30.3%). Only 7.7% of students did not accept orthothanasia; 39.5% argued that there is no indication to orthothanasia, and 44.5% felt that it allows dying man experience death in a conscious and worthy. Of the respondents, 65.2% did not know the legal status of orthothanasia. The idea of euthanasia legalization was supported by 19.4% of respondents, opposed by 10.3%. 16.1% declared they would practice orthothanasia. Of the respondents, 32.3% answered that orthothanasia decision should be expressed in writing form by a patient. Regarding the definition of orthothanasia, students showed a high rate of incorrect answers (72.9%).

Conclusions: The knowledge of students about orthothanasia is varied, but not sufficient. Most respondents were undecided on the issue of acceptance orthothanasia, its legal status, the participation in this procedure, and administration of the therapeutic agents to a terminally ill patient when they do not bring minimal health improvement.

students, orthothanasia, perception

Medycyna Paliatywna
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