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vol. 6 abstract:
Original paper
Social support and acceptance of disease in patients with multiple sclerosis
Online publish date: 2021/07/30
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The aim of the study was to analyze the level of social support and acceptance of the disease and the correlations between them in patients with multiple sclerosis. Material and methods The study was conducted in the Neurological Clinic of the 10th Military Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic of the Independent Public Health Care Unit in Bydgoszcz and in the Association of MS, in total of 55 patients. The tests were carried out using a diagnostic survey. Used research tools were interview questionnaires for socio-demographic data, Acceptance of illness Scale (AIS) and Social Support Scale (SWS) by Kmiecik-Baran. Results Global support and acceptance of the disease in the group of people is average. There was a significant effect of the age of the patients and the duration of the illness on the results of both variables. Results of the two components were highest in the 20-35 and 36-50 years old, the lowest in the age group over 65 years old. Patients who had 2 or less years of illness had the highest support. The smallest support was given to patients whose illness lasted over 15 years. Most of the support came from a partner. There was a correlation between the level of social support and the acceptance of the disease. The highest level of disease acceptance was observed in patients with high levels of global support. Conclusions The level of social support has affected the level of acceptance of illness and consequently the adaptation to the disease and the quality of life of these patients. keywords:
social support, multiple sclerosis (MS), acceptance of disease |