eISSN: 2084-9850
ISSN: 1897-3116
Pielęgniarstwo Chirurgiczne i Angiologiczne/Surgical and Vascular Nursing
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vol. 13

The level of acceptance of the disease and the quality of life of patients with thyroid cancer – part two

Jolanta A. Glińska
Małgorzata Marchlewska
Łukasz Dziki
Adam Dziki
Beata Kunikowska

  1. Zakład Teorii Pielęgniarstwa i Umiejętności w Pielęgniarstwie, Katedra Nauczania Pielęgniarstwa, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
  2. Studentka Oddziału Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
  3. Oddział Kliniczny Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej i Rehabilitacji Oddechowej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
  4. Klinika Chirurgii Ogólnej i Kolorektalnej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Pielęgniarstwo Chirurgiczne i Angiologiczne 2019; 1: 44-48
Online publish date: 2019/04/01
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Cancer today is a huge medical, social and psychological problem. Therefore, it is necessary for patients to re-evaluate their current life, attempt to accept the disease, and learn to live with it.

Aim of the study
Evaluation of the influence of selected variables on the level of disease acceptance and the impact of acceptance on the level of life satisfaction of patients with thyroid cancer

Material and methods
The research was conducted among 100 patients with newly diagnosed thyroid cancer and with recurrent thyroid cancer in the Department of General and Endocrinological Surgery in Łódź. The research method consisted of an original questionnaire on general patient data and two standardised questionnaires: the Life Satisfaction Scale, Scale of Acceptance of Illness, and the Psychic Adjustment to Disease scale.

The subjects were divided into two main groups with 50 people each. The first group comprised people with newly diagnosed thyroid cancer. The other group comprised people in whom thyroid cancer resumed after thyroid cancer treatment had been completed. The most numerous group was formed by patients aged 36-50 years, who constituted 39% of all respondents. None of the studied groups reached a level of acceptance at a high level.

Women showed higher acceptance of the disease than men. Patients aged 51-65 years showed the lowest level of acceptance of the disease. There is a relationship between a high level of acceptance of the disease and a high assessment of life satisfaction (p < 0.001). In both groups, a higher level of acceptance of the disease affects a higher assessment of life satisfaction.


thyroid cancer, quality of life, acceptance

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