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vol. 27 abstract:
Review paper
The use of medical devices in people with hemiparesis of the upper limb and the presentation of the competence of the master and specialist of physiotherapy in the prescription of orthopedic supplies
Bernadeta Faustyna Piwowar-Kuczyńska
Michał Zabojszcz
Monika Urbaniak
Rafał Trąbka
Mateusz Curyło
5, 6
Physiotherapy Review, 2023, 27(4), 38-44
Online publish date: 2023/12/21
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Medical devices are special-purpose articles used, among other things, to prevent or compensate for motor dysfunctions caused by neurological disorders. Being authorized in this regard indicates the obligation of a physiotherapist to have the appropriate knowledge and competence to prescribe the devices and also to train the patient for their use. Aims The purpose of this study was to present the possibility and evaluate the effectiveness of using upper limb orthoses in hemiparesis and present the authority of the master and specialist of physiotherapy to prescribe medical devices. Material and methods The available literature was analyzed based on English-language databases PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Medline, and others, using the Google Scholar search engine. Twenty articles were analyzed out of 75 retrieved by the above method. Publications no older than 14 years were used as search criteria using the following keywords: hemiparesis, upper limb orthosis, and medical device prescribing. Results Many types of orthoses for the upper limb are used to treat hemiparesis. Most have been shown to improve motor function, reduce muscle tension, and positively affect upper limb function. They can be prescribed by a master and specialist of physiotherapy. Conclusions Modern research indicates that properly selected and used upper limb orthoses can be a good form of support for the treatment and rehabilitation of people with hemiparesis. A physiotherapist has the knowledge and competence to prescribe medical devices. keywords:
hemiparesis, medical device prescription, upper limb orthosis, literature review |