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vol. 35 abstract:
Original paper
Training profile and performance in European adaptive surfing athletes
Gonçalo Cruz
Bruno Silva
Renato Bentes
Advances in Rehabilitation, 2021, 35(2), 9–16
Online publish date: 2021/05/06
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Over the last decade, Adaptive Surfing, recently designated as Para Surfing was been growing worldwide. This exponential growth led to an increased number and level of competitive athletes. However, despite some knowledge about the fitness levels of elite surfers and the development of Para Surfing, from the author's knowledge, there are limited to none published research examining Para Surfing. This study aimed to measure how Para Surfing athletes’ profiles, training habits, and time spent performing in-water surfing and outof-water training affected these athletes’ final scores in the 1o European Para Surfing Championship. Material and methods Ninety-five per cent of the participants in the 1o European Adaptive Surfing Championship in Viana do Castelo Portugal, fulfilled a questionnaire according to Para Surfing characteristics, habits and training profile. Results Congenital conditions were reported by more than 57% of females”. Participants’ final competition scores were significantly influenced by prior Para Surfing experience (p = 0.026). Final competition scores were significantly correlated with average days per month spent surfing (r = 0.436) and prior Para Surfing experience in years (r = 0.578). Females’ final scores were significantly correlated with swimming time per month (r = 1.000) and disability duration in years (r = -1.000). Males competition final scores were significantly correlated with prior Para Surfing experience in years (r = 0.753). Conclusions Competitive European male and female Para Surfing athletes present significant differences in terms of surfing experiences before becoming disabled and years of competition experience. Time spent surfing and previous surfing experience are key factors for achieving better performance in Para Surfing competitions. keywords:
competition, disability, Para Surfing, adaptive spots |