eISSN: 2299-8284
ISSN: 1233-9989
Nursing Problems / Problemy Pielęgniarstwa
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vol. 18
Original paper

Students’ knowledge about allergy and occupational asthma risk factors in the medical places

Katarzyna Łagoda
Regina Sierżantowicz
Katarzyna Snarska
Grażyna Kobus
Julia Sawicka
Grażyna Jurkowska

Online publish date: 2010/09/24
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Introduction. In the medical personnel environment occurs many factors causing contact allergy or occupational asthma.

Aim of the study. The research purpose was to evaluate students’ knowledge about allergy and occupational asthma risk factors on the
nurse job. The source of their knowledge and expectations in the educational field was defined.

Material and methods. The research conducted among 115 students of Health Science Department, Medical University in Bialystok, professionally
active. The data was gathered with help of self constructed questionnaire form.

Results. The level of students’ knowledge about asthma as the professional risk factor, immediately after the end of the class, with subject
Internal Medicine and Internal Nursery is satisfactory. Most questionnaire described their knowledge level of asthma and occupational
allergy risk factors as good or satisfactory. The students expect to complement their knowledge about the subject: occupational asthma risk
factors among medical personnel environment, occupational asthma prophylaxis, asthmatic condition procedures and methods of asthma
treatment. The main source of knowledge about asthma and occupational allergy was medical literature.

Conclusions. Medical personnel’s knowledge about allergy and occupational asthma risk factors may increase observance of safety regulations,
and indirectly decrease asthma and occupational allergy frequency occurrence.

Nursing Topics 2010; 18 (3): 310-315

allergy; occupational asthma; risk factors

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