eISSN: 2719-3209
ISSN: 0023-2157
Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica
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SCImago Journal & Country Rank
vol. 107
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Współ­cze­sne po­glą­dy do­ty­czą­ce chi­rur­gicz­ne­go le­cze­nia stoż­ka ro­gów­ki

Do­ro­ta Wy­glę­dow­ska­-Pr­omie­ńska

  1. I Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej w Katowicach
Klinika Oczna 2005, 107(7-9): 525-528
Data publikacji online: 2005/09/22
Pełna treść artykułu Pobierz cytowanie

Keratoconus is a noninflammatory, progressive disease with ectasia and thinning of the corneal stroma, leading to decrease visual acuity related to asymmetrical irregular astigmatism and myopia. Currently, patients with keratoconus who are contact lens intolerant, are primarily treated by penetrating keratoplasty. When the cornea is transparent, other options may be considered. There are several studies about intrastromal rings implantation, in eyes with keratoconus. The major objective of corneal ring implantation is to reshape the abnormal cornea without removing corneal tissue or touching the central cornea.
słowa kluczowe:

stożek rogówki, keratoplastyka drążąca, pierścienie śródrogówkowe

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