eISSN: 2719-3209
ISSN: 0023-2157
Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica
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SCImago Journal & Country Rank
vol. 108
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Wyniki leczenia retinopatii wcześniaczej metodą panfotokoagulacji laserowej w latach 2003-2005 na terenie województwa zachodniopomorskiego w materiale Katedry i Kliniki Okulistycznej Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie

Monika Modrzejewska
Ewa Tomala
Danuta Karczewicz
Jacek Rudnicki
Beata Czeszyńska
Jacek Patalan

  1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Okulistyki Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie
  2. Z Kliniki Neonatologii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie
  3. Z Oddziału Intensywnej Terapii Noworodka SPSK 2 w Szczecinie Z Katedry i Kliniki Położnictwa i Perinatologii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie
  4. Z Oddziału Noworodka, Patologii i Intensywnej Terapii SPS ZOZ Szpital Zdroje
Data publikacji online: 2006/12/21
Pełna treść artykułu Pobierz cytowanie

ROP – retinopathy of prematurity is a disease of the retina and the vitreous body of premature infants, especially born before 28 weeks of intrauterine life (71%), rare till 33 weeks of pregnancy (7.6%) (1, 2). The pathogenesis is involved with damage of immature vessels of the retina. The disease seems to self-regress in 80%. According to stage of changes of the retina there could be some complications of the organ of vision like: refractive errors, disturbances of eyeball movement, poor vision or even blindness (19.01%). ROP is now second (after atrophy of the optic nerve) cause of blindness in children (3). Aim of our study was the analysis of the results of laser-treatment in ROP in West Pomeranian region in years 2003-2005 and estimation of the risk factors of advanced stages of ROP.

Material and methods
Since January 2003 to June 2005 in Outpatients Clinic for Premature Infants of the Ophthalmology Department of The West Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin we have examined 708 children. 40 premature infants (78 eyes) were treated with panphotocoagulation of the retina because of advanced ROP. We have used the Ocu-Lights SL laser, manufactured by Iris Medical.

Laser treatment caused regression of ROP in 88.5% of children. In 11.5% the progression of ROP caused secondary retina detachment.

Respiratory failure, anemia, infections and multi-organ inflammations increase the risk of ROP. Good results of laser treatment depend of beginning of the therapy in the right stage of ROP. On the final results of treatment could have got the influence both: immaturity of the child and the showed risk of factors.

słowa kluczowe:

retinopatia wcześniaków, najczęstsze przyczyny występowania, leczenie laserem diodowym

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