eBook: Lithium – The Amazing Drug in Psychiatry
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Janusz Rybakowski
Termedia sp. z o.o.
ISBN: 978-83-7988-336-3
cena: 70.00(w tym VAT 5%)
Dodaj do koszyka
The recent monography of Professor Janusz Rybakowski titled “Lithium – the amazing drug in psychiatry” presents various faces of this element possessing astounding psychotropic properties. The author gives an account of the knowledge on mood disorders, and their treatment in the context of history and contemporary times of using lithium in these illnesses.
He discusses the efficacy of lithium in the treatment and prevention of recurrences of mood disorders, the adverse effects and their management, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions as well as the biochemical mechanism of lithium action. In subsequent chapters, he depicts the issues of lithium administration during pregnancy and the postpartum period, lithium’s anti-suicidal properties as well as antiviral, immunomodulatory, neuroprotective and “antidementia” activities. The book has been developed from a perspective of nearly half-century experience of the author with lithium.
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