Biology of Sport
eISSN: 2083-1862
ISSN: 0860-021X
Biology of Sport
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vol. 38
Original paper

Association between MCT1 T1470A polymorphism and climbing status in Polish and Japanese climbers

Mika Saito
Michał Ginszt
Myosotis Massidda
Paweł Cięszczyk
Takanobu Okamoto
Piotr Majcher
Koichi Nakazato
Naoki Kikuchi

  1. Graduate School of Health and Sport Science, Nippon Sport Science University, Tokyo, Japan
  2. Department of Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
  3. Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy
  4. Faculty of Physical Education, Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdańsk, Poland
Biol Sport. 2021;38(2):229–234
Online publish date: 2020/09/08
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Sport climbing will become an official event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics; it is a popular wilderness sport among athletes and amateurs. Our previous study suggested that the T1470A polymorphism (rs1049434) of the monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) gene is associated with athletic performance and physiological phenotypes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of MCT1 T1470A polymorphism in Polish and Japanese climbers using a case-control study. Our sample consisted of 226 climbers (Japanese: n = 100, 64 male and 36 female; Polish: n = 126, 97 male and 29 female) and 1028 non-athletic controls (Japanese, n = 407; Polish = 621) who were genotyped for the MCT1 T1470A polymorphism (rs1049434) using the TaqMan SNP genotyping assay or restriction enzyme. The frequency of the TT genotype and T allele was significantly higher in climbers than in controls among the Polish subjects (genotype: p = 0.030, allele: p = 0.010); however, there were no significant differences in the genotype and allelic frequencies between the Japanese climbers and controls (genotype: p = 0.968; allele: p = 0.803). Our results suggested that the frequency of the T allele (TT+TA genotype) in the MCT1 T1470A polymorphism is over-represented in Polish climbers but not in Japanese climbers. In addition, the frequency of the T allele and TT genotype in Polish lead climbers is higher than that in controls.

Sports climbing, Climbers, Genotype, MCT1, T1470A polymorphism

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