eISSN: 1897-4309
ISSN: 1428-2526
Contemporary Oncology/Współczesna Onkologia
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vol. 5

HDR brachytherapy in palliative treatment of tracheal carcinoma

Grzegorz Zwierzchowski
Janusz Skowronek
Krystyna Adamska
Krzysztof Świerkocki
Szczepan Cofta
Tomasz Piorunek

Współcz Onkol (2001) vol. 5, 1 (34-37)
Online publish date: 2003/07/09
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Purpose: Brachytherapy, except teletherpay, is one of a most effective palitive tratments of difficult breathings due to tracheal carcinoma. In some patieints in regard to localization of the tumor brachytherapy is a method of choice. Here we report results of HDR brachytherpay of patients with advanced tracheal carcinoma.

Matarial and methods: From May 1999 to March 2000, 15 patients with inoperable tracheal carcinoma were treated in GreatPoland Cancer Center. All patients were disqualified from surgery and radical radiotherapy due to the advancement of disease. High dose brachytherapy – 7.5 or 10 Gy as evaluated at 1 cm from the tube axis was applied. As a brachytherapy source – Iridium 192 (GAMMAMED 12i) and computer planning system ABACUS was used. In 14 patients tumor infiltrated both main carina and bronchia. 7 patients received three fractions of 7.5 Gy each, 4 patients received three fractions of 10 Gy each and 4 patients one fraction of 10 Gy. Patients were monitored clinically and broncoscopically.

Results: In one case complete remission lasting 6 months, in 11 cases partial remission and in 3 patients progression of the disease were observed. In two patients subjective improvement lasting for 6 months and in 7 patients lasting for 3 months was seen. No lifethretening side effects were observed.

Conclusions: HDR brachytherapy is a save method of treatment of tracheal carcinoma providing retiring difficult breathings and improvement of comfort of life.

tracheal carcinoma, HDR brachytherapy

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