eISSN: 1896-9151
ISSN: 1734-1922
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vol. 4

Case report
Posterior tibial artery false aneurysm as an early complication after fogarty embolectomy

Laura Capoccia
Marianna Gazzetti
Enrico Sbarigia
Francesco Speziale

Arch Med Sci 2008; 4, 1: 91–93
Online publish date: 2008/04/07
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Pseudoaneurysm is a possible complication after Fogarty balloon catheter thrombectomy because of intimal linear or full-thickness tears or disruption of the vessel wall. A 50-year-old woman was admitted with acute severe ischaemia of the lower extremities due to bilateral embolic common femoral artery occlusion so an embolectomy was performed under local anaesthetics. On the third post-operative day the patient complained of increasingly severe pain in her left calf with reduced dorsiflexion. A pseudoaneurysm was diagnosed and through a medial approach it was opened and the posterior tibial artery was reconstructed by a great saphenous vein autograft interposition.

infrapopliteal pseudoaneurysm, posterior tibial artery

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