ISSN: 1505-8409
Przewodnik Lekarza/Guide for GPs
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vol. 8

Hypertension – from diagnosis to therapy. Part I – diagnosis and classification of hypertension

Monika Skrzypiec-Spring
Ewa Chlebda
Adam Spring
Dominika Skrzypiec
Anna Merwid-Ląd
Małgorzata Trocha
Dorota Szumny
Adam Szeląg

Przew Lek 2005; 4: 28-34
Online publish date: 2005/06/03
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Arterial hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases and one of the most important cardiovascular risk factors. According to WHO/ISH classification there are following classes of hypertension: mild, moderate and severe as well as isolated systolic hypertension. Hypertension management includes both non pharmacological and pharmacological treatment as well as treatment of diseases leading to secondary hypertension. Pharmacological treatment depends on total cardiovascular risk which is related to blood pressure values, coexisting diseases, hypertension complications and other risk factors. The aim of the therapy is to achieve blood pressure values lower then 140/90 mmHg in average patients and lower then 130/80 mmHg in patients with diabetes or renal failure.

hypertension, diagnosis of hypertension, classification of hypertension

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