eISSN: 1897-4317
ISSN: 1895-5770
Gastroenterology Review/Przegląd Gastroenterologiczny
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vol. 5
Original paper

It is worth to examined larynx and hypopharynx during upper endoscopy?

Małgorzata Ławniczak
Halina Jaroszewicz-Heigelmann
Dariusz Bielicki
Wojciech Marlicz
Andrzej Białek
Anna Madej
Michał Michniewicz
Katarzyna Amernik
Maciej Kawczyński
Teresa Starzyńska

Przegląd Gastroenterologiczny 2010; 5 (2): 99–103
Online publish date: 2010/05/12
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Introduction: There are few studies on rutine examination of the larynx and laryngopharyngeal area during routine upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy with clinical significant findings. However assesment of the laryx and hypopharynx is performed very rare in clinical practices. The number of UGI edoscopies increases each year and the higher rate of diagnosed larynx and hypopharynx abnormalities, including malignancy could be detected. In Poland larynx cancer is the eight cause of death in male group. It seems that examination of the larynx and laryngopharyngeal area should be permormed during each UGI endoscopy.
Aim: To evaluate prospectively the usefulness and clinical significiance of larynx and hypopharynx examination during UGI endoscopy.
Material and methods: Between January 2007 and April 2009 in Department of Gasroenetrology Pomeranian Medical University 7039 diagnostic UGI endoscopy were performed. The examination of larynx and hypolarynx was performed at the beginning and end of the examination.
Results: Larynx and hypopharynx were examined in 6897 patients (98%). In 40 patients (0.58%) the pathology was suspected in laryngopharyngeal area. The serious pathology was found in 5 patients. In three patients larynx cancer, in two leukoplakia were found. In one case it were preepiglotic cystes and in one postcricoid hemangioma. All other findings were bening inflamatory changes withouth clinical significance.
Conclusions: According to our results and previous data we recommend larynx examinantion area during UGI endoscopy. Such procedure may detect significant abnormalities without prolongation of endoscopy and additional patient discomfort.

gastroscopy, larynx, hypopharynx, cancer, leukoplakia

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