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eISSN: 1509-572x
ISSN: 1641-4640
Folia Neuropathologica
Current issue Archive Manuscripts accepted About the journal Special Issues Editorial board Reviewers Abstracting and indexing Subscription Contact Instructions for authors Publication charge Ethical standards and procedures
Editorial System
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Go to Editorial System of Folia Neuropathologica.

Aims and scope
Folia Neuropathologica is an official journal of the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Association of Neuropathologists. The journal publishes original articles and reviews that deal with all aspects of clinical and experimental neuropathology and related fields of neuroscience research. The scope of journal includes surgical and experimental pathomorphology, ultrastructure, immunohistochemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology of the nervous tissue. Papers on surgical neuropathology and neuroimaging are also welcome. The reports in other fields relevant to the understanding of human neuropathology might be considered.

Ethical consideration
Papers describing animal experiments can be accepted for publication only if the experiment conforms to the legal requirements in Poland as well as with the European Communities Council Directive of November 24, 1986 or the National Institute of Health Guide (National Institute of Health Publications No. 80-23, Revised 1978) for the care and use of Laboratory Animals for experimental procedure. Authors must provide a full description of their anesthetics and surgical procedures. Papers describing experiments on human subjects must include a statement that experiments were performed with the understanding and consent of each subject, with the approval of the appropriate local ethics committee.

Submission of manuscripts
Articles should be written in English. All new manuscripts should be submitted through the online submission at http://www.editorialsystem.com/fn
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject a paper without reviewers’ opinion if the content or the form of the paper does not meet minimum acceptance criteria or if the subject of the paper is beyond the aims and scope of the journal.

Legal aspects
In sending the manuscript the author(s) confirm(s) that (s)he has (they have) not previously submitted it to another journal (except for abstracts of no more than 400 words) or published it elsewhere. The author(s) also agree(s), if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, to automatic and free transfer of copyright to the Publisher allowing for the publication and distribution of the material submitted in all available forms and fields of exploitation. The author(s) accept(s) that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the copyright holder, i.e. the Publisher.
All manuscripts submitted should be accompanied by an authors’ statement including signed confirmation of the above and confirming that this publication has been approved by all co-authors (if any), as well as by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work has been carried out. The authors’ statement should be signed by ALL co-authors. Additionally, the author(s) confirm(s) that (s)he is (they are) familiar with and will observe the ”Instruction to Authors” included in Folia Neuropathologica and also that all sources of financial support have been fully disclosed. Materials previously published should be accompanied by written consent for reprinting from the relevant Publishers. In the case of photographs of identifiable persons, their written consent should also be provided. Any potential conflict of interest will be dealt with by the local court specific to the Publisher. Legal relations between the Publisher and the author(s) are in accordance with Polish law and with international conventions binding on Poland.
Authors agree to waive their royalties.

Download Author's Statement

Anonymous review
All manuscripts will be subject to a process of anonymous editorial review.

Preparation of manuscripts
Articles must be written in English, with British spelling used consistently throughout. Authors not entirely familiar with English are advised to correct the style by professional language editors or native English speakers.
• The length of original article should not exceed 20 printed pages including text, illustrations, tables, and references.
• Manuscripts should be typed using 12pts.font, double-spaced, and fully corrected. Allow a margin at least 2.5 cm at the top, bottom and left side of the page. Text should not be justified.
• The title page should contain: the author’s full names, title of the paper, all authors’ affiliations, full name and address of the communicating author (including e-mail address and fax number), running title (not exceed 40 characters including spaces).
• The abstract should not exceed 350 words. A list of 3–10 key words is recommended below the abstract.
• The manuscript body should be organized in a standard form with separate sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. Review articles should be divided into sections and subsections as appropriate without numbering.
• Do not underline in the text. Avoid footnotes.
• All dimensions and measurements must be specified in the metric system.
• The source of any drug and special reagent should be identified.
• Particular attention needs to be paid to the selection of appropriate analysis of data and the results of statistical test should be incorporated in the results section.
• The nomenclature used should conform to the current edition of the Nomina Anatomica or Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria.
• Acknowledgements should be made in a separate sheet following Discussion and before References. These should contain a list of dedications, acknowledgements, and funding sources.
• Legends of figures and tables should be typed on separate pages.
• The editor reserves the right to make corrections.

• Tables numbered in Roman numerals require a brief but descriptive heading.
• The major divisions of the table should be indicated by horizontal rules.
• Explanatory matter should be included in footnotes, indicated in the body of the table in order of their appearance.
• Tables must not duplicate material in the text or in illustration.

All figures should be supplied electronically at resolution 300dpi in all standard formats (tiff, jpg, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and EPS). Name your figure files with "Fig" and the figure number, e.g., Fig1.tif
• The maximum figure size is 84 mm or 174 mm for use in a single or double column width, respectively.
• When possible, group several illustrations on one block for reproduction. Like all other figures, block should be prepared within a rectangular frame to fit within a single or double column width of 84 and 174 mm, respectively, and a maximum page height of 226 mm.
• Each figure should include scale magnification bar; do not use magnification factors in the figure legends.
• All figures, whether photographs, graphs or diagrams, should be numbered using Arabic numerals and cited in the text in consecutive numerical order.
• Immunohistochemical study requires color illustrations of very good quality.

The list of references (written on a separate page) should include only those publications that are cited in the text. Avoid citation of academic books, manuals and atlases. References should be arranged alphabetically and numbered consecutively. References should be given in square brackets with no space between the comma and the consecutive number, e.g. [3,4,6-12].
References should be written as follows:
Journal papers: initials and names of all authors, full title of paper, journal abbreviation (according to Index Medicus), year of publication, volume (in Arabic numerals), first and last page (example below):
1. Valverde F. The organization of area 18 in the monkey. Anat Embryol 1978; 154: 305-334.
2. Uray NJ, Gona AG. Calbindin immunoreactivity in the auricular lobe and interauricular granular band of the cerebellum in bullfrogs. Brain Behav Evol 1999; 53: 10-19.
Book and monographs: initials and names of all authors, full title, edition, publisher, place, year (examples below):
1. Pollack RS. Tumor surgery of the head and neck. Karger, Basel 1975.
2. Amaral DG, Price JL, Pitkänen A, Carmichael ST. Anatomical organization of the primate amygdaloid complex. In: Aggleton JP (ed.). The amygdala. Wiley-Liss, New York 1992; pp. 1-66.
Reference to articles that are accepted for publication may be cited as „in press” or Epub.

Corrections to the proofs should be restricted to printer’s errors only; other alterations will be charged to the authors. In order to maintain rapid publication, proofs should be returned within 48 hours, preferably by e-mail, fax or courier mail. If the Publisher receives no response from the authors after 10 days, it will be assumed that there are no errors to correct and the article will be published.

Publication charge
Please note that there is an obligatory charge (350 EURO/1650 PLN) for each manuscript submitted after September 1st 2023 and accepted for publication in Folia Neuropathologica. Termedia sp. z o.o. does not pay bank transfer costs. There are no additional charges for colour photographs and other graphics. All fees paid before September 1st 2023 for accepted manuscripts, according to the old rates, are valid.
The fee applies only to the cost of preparing/developing the article for publication in the journal. The fee has no effect on the acceptance of the article for publication. All articles submit by editorial system are reviewed by independent experts outside the editorial office and based on their opinions are qualified or not for publication. Please be informed that if the author decides not to publish the work, which was already accepted and paid, the fee paid will not be returned for reasons beyond the Publisher’s control.
PayPal (EUR) is the preferred way of payment. However, if this is impossible, payments can be made directly to the following bank accounts:
Payment in EUR:
PL 21 1090 1359 0000 0001 0601 0708
Termedia sp. z o.o.
ul. Kleeberga 2, 61-615 Poznań
amount: 350 EUR
title: Publication fee for ARTICLE-SIGNATURE
Payment in PLN:
PL 61 1090 1359 0000 0000 3505 2645
Termedia sp. z o.o.
ul. Kleeberga 2, 61-615 Poznań
amount: 1650 PLN
title: Publication fee for ARTICLE-SIGNATURE

Termedia Publishing House is committed to upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements.

The author is obliged to prepare and send the article in accordance with the requirements set out in the journal Editor. Moreover the author is obliged to submit editorial complemented by a statement which will be included: a statement about the originality of the content of the article (work not yet published anywhere), the integrity of the copyrights of others, no conflict of interest or its application, as well as the superior permission to publish an article in the journal. Authors are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that might bias or be seen to bias their work.

Termedia Publishing House in the matter of authorship criteria and/or who should be listed as a contributor, respects standards recommended by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Detailed information about those criteria you can find in COPE Report publicationethics.org/files/2003pdf12_0.pdf.

Articles are selected for publication in double blind selection system and published in open access system. Reviewer shall review by the electronic system on the basis of questions prepared for a specific title. Reviewer is also possible to send individual comments to be published in the article content.

Editors are responsible for deciding which of the articles accepted for publication. Editors act in a balanced, objective and fair way while carrying out their expected duties, without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.

Subscription information
The journal is published in one volume per year consisting of four numbers. The annual subscription price for 2005 is 160 PLN for Institutions from Poland and 80 PLN for individual subscribers from Poland and 140 Euro for foreign Institutions and 70 Euro for foreign individual subscribers.
Payment should be made to:
Termedia sp. z o.o., ul. Kleeberga 2, 61-615 Poznań
BZ WBK III O/Poznań PL 61 1090 1359 0000 0000 3505 2645

The publisher must be notified of a cancellation of a subscription not later than two months before the end of the calendar year. After that date the subscription is automatically prolonged for another year.
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TERMEDIA Publishing House
ul. Kleeberga 2
61-615 Poznań, Poland
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