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eISSN: 2081-2841
ISSN: 1689-832X
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy
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Instructions for Authors

Journal of the Polish Brachytherapy Society and Indian Brachytherapy Society

Aims and Scope.

The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” (JCB) is an international and multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers of original research as well as reviews of articles. Main subjects of the journal include: clinical brachytherapy, combined modality treatment, advances in radiobiology, hyperthermia and tumor biology, as well as physical aspects relevant to brachytherapy, particularly in the field of imaging, dosimetry and radiation therapy planning. Original contributions involve experimental studies of combined modality treatment, tumor sensitization and normal tissue protection, molecular radiation biology and clinical investigations of cancer treatment in brachytherapy. Another field of interest is the educational corner.

The “Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy” publishes original peer-reviewed papers, technical advances, reviews of articles, and point/counterpoint of opinions on controversial issues. Original articles regarding any aspect of brachytherapy are always welcome. Educational papers are prepared and presented by invited authors. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
The journal is published bimonthly and has 6 issues per year in traditional and in electronic form. For full-text online access visit the Journal's website at www.jocb.eu.

JCB editors endorse the principles embodied in the Declaration of Helsinki and expect that all investigations involving humans will be performed according to these regulations. For animal experimentation reported in the journal, it is expected that investigators will obey the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing, and Education issued by the New York Academy of Sciences Ad hoc Committee on Animal Research. All human and animal studies must be approved by the investigator's Institutional review board. The JCB abides by the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," 5th ed. (N Engl J Med 1997; 336: 309-315).
The journal applies procedures ensuring the originality of manuscripts in accordance with the criteria of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and WAME (World Association of Medical Editors). Therefore it is also necessary to provide information on the scope of input of each author to the publication, among others who is the author of the concept of the study, assumptions, methods, study protocol, and the like, as well as on the affiliation of each of the authors. The editorial office observes the highest standards of scientific publication and the cooperation with authors is based on the transparency of information on the actual input of persons/institutions in the development of the publication. All cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship will be liable for customary penalty as an indication of scientific negligence.

Please note that there is an obligatory charge of EUR 200 (PLN 1000) (250 EUR or 1200 PLN in case of manuscripts submitted on or after 1 January 2023) for the manuscript being accepted for publication in "Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy". Termedia Sp. z o.o. does not pay bank transfer costs.
The journal has also introduced a reduced fee of EUR 100 (140 EUR in case of manuscripts submitted on or after 1 January 2023) for authors affiliated with research units of low-income countries. In exceptional cases, the Editor-in-Chief may cancel the fee if it is beneficial for the journal. The Publisher will send the relevant invoice after the article is accepted for publication.

Submission of Manuscripts.

Manuscripts must be written in English. All new manuscripts have to be submitted through the JCB online submission and reviewed web site (www.jocb.eu). All authors are requested to submit the text, tables and artwork in electronic form (except a PDF format). Authors should also state that the manuscript or parts of it was not and will not be submitted elsewhere for publish, while in the review process of the JCB. Submitted items must include cover letter, manuscript (including title page, abstract, manuscript text, references, table and figure legends), tables and figures.

Review process.

Manuscripts are being evaluated on the basis of presenting new insights to the investigated topic and are more likely to contribute to the research they proposed, its progress or change in clinical practice or in the way of thinking about a disease. It is understood that all authors listed on a manuscript have agreed to its submission. The signature (electronic) of the corresponding author on the letter of submission confirms these conditions.

The manuscripts are firstly studied by the JCB editors. Papers with insufficient priority for publication are rejected immediately. Incomplete packages or manuscripts not prepared in the advised style will be sending back to authors without scientific review. The authors are notified with the reference number upon manuscript registration at the Editorial Office. The registered manuscripts are sending to two independent experts for scientific evaluation. The evaluation process usually takes up to 4 weeks. Submitted papers are accepted for publication after positive opinion from the independent reviewers.
The revised manuscript should also be accompanied by a unique file (separate from the cover letter) with the response to the reviewers' comments listed, item number, stating the page number, paragraph, etc., where in the revised version each point has been addressed, or alternatively why it has not been addressed. Please boldface or highlight all changes in the revised version.
Before final publishing authors will receive a ‘galley proof’ of manuscript (in pdf.) with request to check it and send back in 48 hours.

Conflict of Interest Guidelines.

Sources of funding have to be acknowledged and all authors must disclose any commercial association or other arrangement (financial compensation, potential to profit consultancy, stock ownership, honor, patent - licensing arrangements, etc.) that might pose or imply conflict of interest with connection to the submitted paper. All such information will be available to the reviewers and at the discretion of the Editor will be published on a footnote to the article.

JCB policy requires all reviewers, Co-Editors and Editorial Board members to reveal in a written statement any relationships that could be construed and cause a conflict of interest with regard to a manuscript under review. The letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief should include a statement of any financial relationship with commercial companies that might be involved with a product under study.


Materials obtained from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from both author and publisher, giving permission to the JCB for reproduction. The JCB requires written permission from at least one author of papers still in press, unpublished data and personal communications.

Patient’s confidentiality.

Changing the details of patients in order to disguise them is a form of data alteration. Therefore, authors of clinical papers are obliged to ensure patients privacy rights. Only clinically or scientifically important data are permitted for publishing. So, in order to identify a patient’s data from a case report, illustration or paper, Editors of JCB ask for a written consent of the patient or his/her guardian to publish their data (including photograms) prior to publication.

Copyright transfer.

Upon acceptance, authors transfer copyrights to the JCB. Once an article is accepted for publication, the information therein is prohibited from reporting by media until the mail date of the issue in which the article appears. Upon acceptance all published manuscripts become the permanent property of the Termedia sp. z o.o., the publisher of JCB, and can not be published elsewhere without written permission from the publisher.
The rights to the article are usually transferred by the authors to the owner of the journal, who makes it available under the Creative Commons license. However, if the author does not want to transfer the copyright to the publisher, he/she may contact the editorial office and set separate rules - under which the editorial office may publish an article in the journal. For the detailed information, please contact with editorial office.

Publishing model.

JCB is published by using an open access model. All original scientific content [research articles, review articles, case reports, educational papers] are available free of charge without restrictions from the journal's webpage at: www.jocb.eu.

Criteria for manuscripts.

Editorial Board of the JCB consider an original articles with the understanding that neither the manuscript nor any part of its essential substance, tables or figures was published previously in print or electronic format and are not under consideration by any other publication or electronic medium. Each submission packet should include written statement signed by the first author of publication that was not been published previously or submitted elsewhere for review, as well as copyright transfer.

Categories of articles.
The accepted papers are published in the following journal sections:
1. clinical investigations (not more than 10 pages)
2. review articles (not more than 14 pages)
3. preliminary reports (not more than 4 pages)
4. educational articles (invited authors)
5. biology contributions (not more than 10 pages)
6. physics contributions (not more than 10 pages)
7. technical note (not more than 10 pages)
8. case reports (not more than 8 pages)
9. letters to the Editor for comments on recent articles (not more than 1 page)
10. supplements
11. pictorial essay.

Clinical trials
Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy is published in accordance with ICMJE policies and recommendations. The ICMJE requires - and recommends that all medical journal editors require - registration of clinical trials in a public trials registry at or before the time of first patient enrollment as a condition of consideration for article publication.
The ICMJE defines a clinical trial as any research project that prospectively assigns people or a group of people to an intervention, with or without concurrent comparison or control groups, to study the relationship between a health-related intervention and a health outcome. Health-related interventions are those used to modify a biomedical or health-related outcome; examples include drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioural treatments, educational programs, dietary interventions, quality improvement interventions, and process-of-care changes. Health outcomes are any biomedical or health-related measures obtained in patients or participants, including pharmacokinetic measures and adverse events.

The ICMJE accepts publicly accessible registration in any registry that is a primary register of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) that includes the minimum acceptable 24-item trial registration data set or in ClinicalTrials.gov, which is a data provider to the WHO ICTRP.

In accordance with the ICMJE recommendations, the Editors of Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy require authors to provide all necessary information regarding the registered study when submitting the article for publication: name of the register, Main ID, Public Title, Date of Registration. The data provided by the author are verified by the editors.

More information on this can be found here www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/clinical-trial-registration.html

Source: ICMJE, Clinical Trials, www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/clinical-trial-registration.html

Preparation of manuscripts.

Guidelines for submission in the JCB are in accordance with: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (N Eng J Med, 1997; 336: 309-15).
Manuscript should be typewritten on an ISO A4 (210x297 mm) size. Text should be double spaced with 12-point typeface (Times New Roman, Arial, for example). Margins: 2.5 cm (1 inch) at top, bottom, right, and left.

Illustrations are very helpful and for case reports are mandatory. In reviews an explanation is needed about retrieval sources used in an article and specifications of the criteria in selecting the referred papers.
The Editorial Board reserves the privilege to adjust the format of the article.

Necessary inclusions of manuscripts.

In case of all original articles, the following materials must be submitted. The manuscript should be arranged as Title Page, Structured Abstract with Key Words, Purpose, Material and methods, Results, Discussion with Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Legends, Table Legends, Tables and Figures. Pages must be numbered consecutively, starting with the Title Page as number 1.

Title Page. The Title page must include a concise title: names and affiliations of all authors; department and institution address where the research was conducted; short running title; name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address of corresponding author. All authors listed on the title page are required to write their full first name and degrees.

Structured Abstract: The structured abstract should be no more than 300 words and must be placed on a separate sheet. It has to be divided into sections as: Purpose, Material and methods, Results and Conclusions (except reviews, educational papers, case reports).
Each abstract section should begin from new line and briefly describe the purpose of the study, how the investigation was performed, most important results and the principal conclusions of the results.

Key words (3 to 6) should be written at the bottom of the page including abstract. The use of the items from Index Medicus (Medical Subject Headings) is advised.

Text. The text of the article should be divided into paragraphs labeled as: Purpose, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References.

Purpose should contain scientific rationale and general introduction to the article. Background of the study should clearly be described as well as the aim of the article.

Material and methods should describe clearly the selection of observational or experimental subjects (patients or laboratory animals) involving factors such as age, gender, inclusion and exclusion criteria, (the circumstances for rejection from the study should be defined), randomization and masking (blinding) method.

The protocol of data acquisition, procedures, investigated parameters, methods of measurements and apparatus should be explained in sufficient details to allow other scientists to reproduce the results. Name and references to the established methods should be given. References and brief description need to provide for methods that were published but are not well known, whereas brand new or substantially modified methods should be described in particular. The reasons for using the methods should be provided along with the evaluation of their limitations. Drugs and other chemicals are obliged to be precisely identified with generic name, dose and route of administration.
The statistical methods should be described in detail to enable verification of the reported results.

Results concisely and reasonably summarize the findings. Restrict tables and figures to the number results need to explain the argument of the paper and assess its support. Data in graphs and tables must not be duplicated. Numbers of observations and report exclusions or losses to observations such as dropouts from a clinical trial should be given. The results of treatment have to be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. All data’s from the tables or graphs are not to be repeated in the text and only the important observations should be emphasized.

Discussion must deal only with new and/or important aspects of the study. Data or other materials from the Purpose or the Results section are not to be repeated in detail. Discussion should include the implications of the findings and their limitations as well as suggestions for future research. The discussion need to confront the results of other investigations, especially quoted in the text.

Conclusions have to meet the goals of the study. New hypotheses can be stated, however only when warranted. Recommendations might be included whenever appropriate. Unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by the obtained data might be included only whenever can be stated.

Acknowledgements. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship need to be listed, such as technical assistants, writing assistants or head of department who provided only general support. Financial and other material support should be disclosed and acknowledged.

References must be numbered consecutively as they are cited and marked in square brackets. References selected for publication should be chosen for their importance, accessibility, and for the "further reading" opportunities they provide. References first cited in tables or figure legends must be numbered so that they could be in sequence with references quoted in the text. The style of references provides Index Medicus. In any article with more than three authors, the use of "et al." would prevail.

The following is a sample reference:
Standard journal article
Journal Article Reference:
1. Skowronek J, Zwierzchowski G, Piotrowski T. Pulsed Dose Rate Brachytherapy – describing a method and a review of clinical applications. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother 2001; 6: 197–202.

Journal Article Reference with more than 3 Authors:
1. Wust P, Hildebrandt B, Sreenivasa G et al. Hyperthermia in combined treatment of cancer. Lancet Oncol 2002; 3: 487–497.

Article in Press: This is to be used only for papers accepted for publication. These articles should be cited as for other journal articles (in press) in place of volume and page numbers.

Book Reference:
1. Leibel SA, Phillips TL. Textbook of radiation oncology. WB Saunders Co; Philadelphia 1998: 1-24.

Conference proceedings:
Kimura J, Shibasaki H (editors). Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995 October 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Elsevier 1996; Amsterdam.

Conference paper:
Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O (editors). MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 September 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland.
The use of abstracts or review papers as references should be avoided. Unpublished observations and personal communications can not be used as references. Such material may be incorporated in an appropriate place in the text if necessary.

Figure and Table legends. Legends should be typed, double-spaced and numbered, corresponding to the figures, tables and placed on a separate pages in the end of the text. Whenever symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify parts of the figure, each of them should be explained clearly in the legend. Please use lowercase letters to label multipart figures. For photomicrographs, the internal scale marks should be defined and the method of staining should be given. The legend need to permit the figures or tables to be understood without reference to the text. If the figure was previously published, a credit line should be included and a permission letter supplied by the author.

Figures: Figures should be consecutively numbered (Arabic numerals) as they appear in the text and accompanied by legends, each submitted on a separate page. Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed; freehand or typewritten lettering are unacceptable. Letters, numbers, and symbols should be clear and even end of sufficient size, so whenever that when reduced for publication, each item will still be legible. Titles and detailed explanations need to be placed in the legends for figures, not within the figures themselves. All abbreviations used in the figure must be defined in footnotes.

Color Figures. Color figures supplied with the article will appear in color on the web at no extra charge. There is no charge for a figure submitted in color to be reproduced in black and white print.

Tables. All tables should be numbered consecutively. Tables should be typed, double-spaced and each submitted on a separate page. Tables must be self-explanatory and authors must insure that the data is not duplicated in the text. Written permission from the publisher must accompany the articles whenever the table is reproduced from previously published data. Acknowledgment of previously published material need to be given in a footnote to the table, and the source should be included in the reference list. All abbreviations used in the table must be defined in footnotes at the bottom of the table. Footnotes need to be ordered as they first appear in the table with superscript Arabic numerals.

Units of Measurement. Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures need to be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury.
All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System of Units (SI). Alternative or non-SI units need to be added in parenthesis.

Abbreviations and Symbols. Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Sending of the manuscript to JCB

Guidelines for Submission of Electronic Manuscripts:

You may: bold, underline, italic, subscript, superscript and strikeout, but do not justify text. For long dashes, please use two hyphens. In tables, use only tabs, not spaces to align columns. If you use Microsoft Word, do not use the “fast save” feature when saving your document.

The JCB use a Web-based online manuscript submission and review system. Please visit www.jocb.eu to submit your manuscript electronically. Here, new users should first create an account to obtain the password. Once you are logged in, you can submit manuscripts. The webpage guides authors stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. Note that original sources files, not PDF files, are required. Authors may send queries concerning the submission process, manuscript status or journal procedures to the Editorial Office. Once the submission files are uploaded the system automatically generates electronic (PDF) proof which is then used for reviewing. All correspondence, including the Editor's decision and request for revisions, will be send by e-mail.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a covering letter signed by the first author. This must include:

1. information on prior or duplicate publication or submission elsewhere any part of the work as defined earlier in this document;

2. a statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest (see below)

3. a statement saying that the manuscript was read and approved by all authors, that the requirements for authorship was met as stated earlier in this document, and that each author believes the manuscript represents honest work;

4. the name, address, and telephone number of the corresponding author who is responsible for communicating with the other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs. The covering letter with above specifications should provide any additional information that may be helpful to the Editor, such as the type of article in the particular journal that the manuscript represents. The manuscript must be accompanied by copies of permissions to reproduce published material, to use illustrations or report information about identifiable people, or to name people for their contributions.

Corrections to the proofs should be restricted to printer’s errors only; other alterations will be charged to the authors. In order to maintain rapid publication, proofs should be returned within 48 hours, preferably by e-mail, fax or courier mail. If the Publisher receives no response from the authors after 10 days, it will be assumed that there are no errors to correct and the article will be published.

Termedia Publishing House is committed to upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements. Authors and editors, have ethical obligations with regard to the publication of the results of research. According to our publishing policy, manuscripts not conforming to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki should not be accepted for publication.

The Author(s) is obliged to prepare and send the article in accordance with the requirements set out in the journal Editor. Moreover the Author(s) is obliged to submit editorial complemented by a statement which will be included: a statement about the originality of the content of the article (work not yet published anywhere), the integrity of the copyrights of others, no conflict of interest or its application, as well as the superior permission to publish an article in the journal. Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process. The Author(s) are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, they also should provide a list of references.
Author(s) are responsible for disclosing all financial and personal relationships that might bias or be seen to bias their work.
Authors may, at any time before accepting the article for publication, withdraw the article by submitting a statement in the electronic system of the Editorial System.

Termedia Publishing House in the matter of authorship criteria and/or who should be listed as a contributor, respects standards recommended by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Detailed information about those criteria you can find in COPE Report publicationethics.org/files/2003pdf12_0.pdf.

Articles are selected for publication in double blind selection system and published in open access system. Reviewer shall review by the electronic system on the basis of questions prepared for a specific title. It is also possible for a reviewer to send individual comments to be published in the article content.
All judgments and findings in the peer-review process should be objective. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest (they make a statement before proceeding to review.). Reviewers - if is a legitimate need - should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited, and reviewed by them articles should be treated confidentially prior to their publication.

Editors are responsible for deciding which articles are accepted for publication. Editors act in a balanced, objective and fair way while carrying out their expected duties, without discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
Publisher and Editors are always ready to publish corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies if there is a legitimate need.
In the situation when there is a suspicion that an inappropriate research procedure described in the work sent by autors has taken place, the authors are obliged by the editorial office - if not yet submitted - to submit information regarding the approval of the described research procedure by a properly established ethics committee to conduct clinical trials.

Plagiarism is using the words, tables, grafics or ideas of others and presenting them as your own. Such activity is a form of fraud. It can take many forms, from deliberately seeking academic advantage by replicating the work of others, to accidentally copying from a source without obtaining permission from the rights holder.
The Editor will not accept a paper which employs ghostwriting or guest authorship, and will disclose all such practices, especially symptoms of scientific dishonesty (breaking or compromising the ethical principles effective in scientific research) and plagiarism
The author accepts that a submitted manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works (iThenticate - plagiarism checker). Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized will incur plagiarism sanctions: immediate rejection of the submitted manuscript or published article, prohibition of any new submissions.

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All advertisements should identify the advertiser by trademark or signature.
The publisher is not responsible for any damages, including but not limited to actual, direct, incidental, or consquental damages.

Authors should follow the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (www.wma.net). The manuscript should contain a statement that the work has been approved by the relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees and that all human participants gave informed consent. Identifying information, including patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published.
Vulnerable populations (children) require special protection during research.Researchers need to consider additional ethics concerns or issues arising from working with potentially vulnerable persons. In cases where research involves potentially vulnerable groups, for example children, older persons or adults with learning disabilities, every effort should be made to secure freely given informed consent that participants or their legal representatives have actively provided

Please be informed that if the author decides not to publish the work, which was already accepted and paid, the fee paid will not be returned for reasons beyond the Publisher’s control.


Adam Chicheł

Greater Poland Cancer Center

15 Garbary St., 61-866 Poznań, Poland

Office: +48 61 8850817, Fax: +48 61 8850834

contact: brachyterapia@wco.pl


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