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Guidelines of the Polish Society of Ophthalmology for the treatment of exudative age-related macular degeneration
Marta Misiuk-Hojło,
Iwona Grabska-Liberek,
Katarzyna Michalska-Małecka,
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon,
Marcin Stopa,
Jacek Szaflik,
Jerzy Szaflik,
Magdalena Ulińska,
Joanna E. Adamiec-Mroczek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:53–59
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Review paper
Ophthalmological standards in ocupational medicine – comparison of the Polish and British models based on selected current examples
Wiktor Stopyra
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:60–64
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Review article
Application of artificial intelligence in pediatric ophthalmic practice
Mirosława Grałek,
Anna Niwald
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:65–68
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Review paper
Introduction to pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy
Magdalena Kupis,
Katarzyna Samelska,
Anna Zaleska-Żmijewska,
Jacek Szaflik
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:69–73
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Review paper
Adaptive optics imaging in the most common inherited retinal degenerations
Katarzyna Samelska,
Magdalena Kupis,
Anna Zaleska-Żmijewska,
Jacek P. Szaflik
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:74–79
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Original paper
Uveal melanoma among octogenarians
Marta Wróblewska-Zierhoffer,
Wojciech Adamski,
Anna Kubiak,
Maciej Trojanowski,
Jarosław Kocięcki,
Iwona Rospond-Kubiak
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:80–84
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Original paper
Benign tumors of the orbit in children and adolescents – clinical and histopathological analysis
Marta Świerczyńska,
Erita Filipek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:85–89
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Original paper
Macular function and structure in patients with center-involved diabetic macular edema before and after micropulse laser therapy
Barbara Nowacka,
Katarzyna Mozolewska-Piotrowska,
Wojciech Lubiński,
Anna Machalińska,
Aleksandra Grabowicz
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:90–95
Online publish date: 2021-07-14
Original paper
Color vision impairment in multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
Małgorzata Rogaczewska,
Sławomir Michalak,
Marcin Stopa
KLINIKA OCZNA 2021, 123, 2:96–101
Online publish date: 2021-07-14