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Guidelines for the management of amblyopia in children
Piotr Loba,
Anna Gotz-Więckowska,
Wojciech Hautz,
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 67-70
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Review article
Ophthalmic applications of cyclopentolate
Anna Chmielarz-Czarnocińska,
Anna Gotz-Więckowska
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022; 124, 2: 71-74
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Review article
Current approaches to glaucoma surgery in children – glaucoma drainage devices and minimally invasive procedures
Katarzyna Garbowska,
Monika M. Modrzejewska
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 75-86
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Review article
Visual disturbances and stroke
Wojciech Lubiński,
Barbara Nowacka,
Lech Cyryłowski
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 87-91
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Original article
Assessment of pranoprofen ophthalmic solution 0.1% application for non-infectious conjunctivitis in patients with symptoms of dry eye disease
Agata Brązert,
Jarosław Kocięcki
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 92–98
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Original paper
Concentrations of selected bioelements in saliva by patients suffering from macular degeneration related to age
Lidia Puchalska-Niedbał,
Grażyna Jeżewska,
Iwona Noceń,
Dariusz Chlubek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 99-105
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Case report
Cavernous hemangioma of the retina – case report
Beata A. Pawlik,
Małgorzata Figurska
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 106-113
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Case report
Eye toxoplasmosis complicated by choroidal neovascularization effectively treated with the anti-vascular endothelial growth factor aflibercept
Paulina Sienicka
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022; 124, 2: 114-119
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Case report
Membranous cataract – a case report
Joanna Zawistowska,
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon,
Izabella Karska-Basta
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 120-123
Online publish date: 2022-06-14
Urbanization as a factor for myopia progression
Ali Nouraeinejad
KLINIKA OCZNA 2022, 124, 2: 124-125
Online publish date: 2022-06-14